Codes for Creating TAXSIM Datasets
We would like to collect high quality code to create Internet TAXSIM format files from commonly used survey datasets.
- Larrimore et al on topcoded incomes 1976-2007
- Census staff notes on the
calculation of income taxes in the CPS.
- Article with instructions for forming tax units from the ASEC
- Feenberg notes on inconsistencies in the survey through time
- SAS code to read IPUMS datasets
- Stata code for the Unicon files by Judith Scott-Clayton
- R code for IPUMS datasets
- March Current Population Survey - program for SAS from internal Census format files.
- James Ziliak's code for taxsim27
If you would like to contribute code to this library, please contact me. We are particularly interested in PSID, NLSY, CPS, NMES, etc. Code may be SAS, Stata, Fortran, C, or other. We like it best when only TAXSIM relevant variables are included.
Daniel Feenberg
feenberg at nber dot org