___ ____ ____ ____ ____ (R) /__ / ____/ / ____/ ___/ / /___/ / /___/ 16.1 Copyright 1985-2019 StataCorp LLC Statistics/Data analysis StataCorp 4905 Lakeway Drive MP - Parallel Edition College Station, Texas 77845 USA 800-STATA-PC https://www.stata.com 979-696-4600 stata@stata.com 979-696-4601 (fax) Stata license: 18-user 8-core network perpetual Serial number: 501606203534 Licensed to: National Bureau of Economic Research Cambridge, MA 02138 Notes: 1. Stata is running in batch mode. 2. Unicode is supported; see help unicode_advice. 3. More than 2 billion observations are allowed; see help obs_advice. 4. Maximum number of variables is set to 5,000; see help set_maxvar. Running /disk/admin/Linux-7-local/stata16/sysprofile.do ... . do merge 89 . log using merge`1',text replace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name: log: /disk/homedirs/nber/taxsim/public_html/to-taxsim/scf27-32/code/mer > ge89.log log type: text opened on: 31 May 2021, 22:29:00 . set maxvar 10000 . if "`1'" == "89" { . use ../orig/uname/p`1' . des Contains data from ../orig/uname/p89.dta obs: 15,715 vars: 3,500 15 MAY 2021 06:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x1 long %12.0g case id x14 byte %8.0g dob-imputed age-r x19 byte %8.0g dob-imputed age-s x100 byte %8.0g hhl-absent spouse x101 byte %8.0g hhl-number peop in hhld x102 byte %8.0g hhl-a1.relationship to r x103 byte %8.0g hhl-b1.sex x104 byte %8.0g hhl-c1.age x105 byte %8.0g hhl-d1.marital status x106 byte %8.0g hhl-e1.usually live here x107 byte %8.0g hhl-f1.finance dep/indep x108 byte %8.0g hhl-a2.relationship to r x109 byte %8.0g hhl-b2.sex x110 byte %8.0g hhl-c2.age x111 byte %8.0g hhl-d2.marital status x112 byte %8.0g hhl-e2.usually live here x113 byte %8.0g hhl-f2.finance dep/indep x114 byte %8.0g hhl-a3.relationship to r x115 byte %8.0g hhl-b3.sex x116 byte %8.0g hhl-c3.age x117 byte %8.0g hhl-d3.marital status x118 byte %8.0g hhl-e3.usually live here x119 byte %8.0g hhl-f3.finance dep/indep x120 byte %8.0g hhl-a4.relationship to r x121 byte %8.0g hhl-b4.sex x122 byte %8.0g hhl-c4.age x123 byte %8.0g hhl-d4.marital status x124 byte %8.0g hhl-e4.usually live here x125 byte %8.0g hhl-f4.finance dep/indep x126 byte %8.0g hhl-a5.relationship to r x127 byte %8.0g hhl-b5.sex x128 byte %8.0g hhl-c5.age x129 byte %8.0g hhl-d5.marital status x130 byte %8.0g hhl-e5.usually live here x131 byte %8.0g hhl-f5.finance dep/indep x132 byte %8.0g hhl-a6-relationship to r x133 byte %8.0g hhl-b6.sex x134 byte %8.0g hhl-c6.age x135 byte %8.0g hhl-d6-marital status x136 byte %8.0g hhl-e6.usually live here x137 byte %8.0g hhl-f6.finance dep/indep x202 byte %8.0g hhl-a7.relationship to r x203 byte %8.0g hhl-b7.sex x204 byte %8.0g hhl-c7.age x205 byte %8.0g hhl-d7.marital status x206 byte %8.0g hhl-e7.usually live here x207 byte %8.0g hhl-f7.finance dep/indep x208 byte %8.0g hhl-a8.relationship to r x209 byte %8.0g hhl-b8.sex x210 byte %8.0g hhl-c8.age x211 byte %8.0g hhl-d8.marital status x212 byte %8.0g hhl-e8.usually live here x213 byte %8.0g hhl-f8.finance dep/indep x214 byte %8.0g hhl-a9.relationship to r x215 byte %8.0g hhl-b9.sex x216 byte %8.0g hhl-c9.age x217 byte %8.0g hhl-d9.marital status x218 byte %8.0g hhl-e9.usually live here x219 byte %8.0g hhl-f9.finance dep/indep x220 byte %8.0g hhl-a10.relationshp to r x221 byte %8.0g hhl-b10.sex x222 byte %8.0g hhl-c10.age x223 byte %8.0g hhl-d10.marital status x224 byte %8.0g hhl-e10.usually liv here x225 byte %8.0g hhl-f10.financ dep/indep x226 byte %8.0g hhl-a11.relationshp to r x227 byte %8.0g hhl-b11.sex x228 byte %8.0g hhl-c11.age x229 byte %8.0g hhl-d11.marital status x230 byte %8.0g hhl-e11.usually liv here x231 byte %8.0g hhl-f11.financ dep/indep x301 byte %8.0g a1.5 yr fut econ b/w/s x302 byte %8.0g a2.5 yr fut int rate +-= x303 byte %8.0g a3.5 yr fut fam inc +-=. x304 byte %8.0g a4.5 yr past fam inc +-= x305 byte %8.0g a5.# financial instit x306 byte %8.0g a5k.can use autotellmach x308 byte %8.0g a6-1.type institution x309 byte %8.0g a7-1.mode business inst. x310 byte %8.0g a8-1.distance to instit. x312 byte %8.0g a6-2.type institution x313 byte %8.0g a7-2.mode business inst. x314 byte %8.0g a8-2.distance to instit. x316 byte %8.0g a6-3.type institution x317 byte %8.0g a7-3.mode business inst. x318 byte %8.0g a8-3.distance to instit. x320 byte %8.0g a6-4.type institution x321 byte %8.0g a7-4.mode business inst. x322 byte %8.0g a8-4.distance to instit. x324 byte %8.0g a6-5.type institution x325 byte %8.0g a7-5.mode business inst. x326 byte %8.0g a8-5.distance to instit. x328 byte %8.0g a6-6.type institution x329 byte %8.0g a7-6.mode business inst. x330 byte %8.0g a8-6.distance to instit. x401 byte %8.0g b1.credit good/dep/bad x402 byte %8.0g b2a.credit ok vacation x403 byte %8.0g b2b.credit ok liv expens x404 byte %8.0g b2c.credit ok fur/jewels x405 byte %8.0g b2d.credit ok buy car x406 byte %8.0g b2e.credit ok education. x407 byte %8.0g b3.turned down for cred. x408 byte %8.0g b3a.got credit later x409 byte %8.0g b4.not apply for credit. x410 byte %8.0g b5.have credit cards x411 byte %8.0g b6-a.# bank credit cards x412 long %12.0g b7-a.$ last mo-bank card x413 long %12.0g b8-a.$ owe on bank cards x414 long %12.0g b9.cred limit bank cards x415 byte %8.0g b10-1.typ inst bank card x416 byte %8.0g b10-2.typ inst bank card x417 byte %8.0g b10-3.typ inst bank card x418 byte %8.0g b10-4.typ inst bank card x419 byte %8.0g b6-b.# store credit card x420 int %8.0g b7-b.$ lst mo-store card x421 int %8.0g b8-b.$ owe on store card x422 byte %8.0g b6-c.# gas credit cards. x423 int %8.0g b7-c.$ last mo-gas cards x424 int %8.0g b8-c.$ owe on gas cards. x425 byte %8.0g b6-d.# gen credit cards. x426 int %8.0g b7-d.$ last mo-gen cards x427 int %8.0g b8-d.$ owe on gen cards. x428 byte %8.0g b6-e.# oth credit cards. x429 int %8.0g b7-e.$ last mo-oth cards x430 long %12.0g b8-e.$ owe on oth cards. x432 byte %8.0g b12.pay off bank/store x501 byte %8.0g d1.ckpt.rch-farm/mob/oth x502 int %8.0g d2.# acres farm/ranch x503 byte %8.0g d3.oper farm/ranch bus x504 byte %8.0g d3a.rent out farm/ranch. x505 int %8.0g d3b.rent amt:frm/rch x506 byte %8.0g d3b.rent per use frm/rch x507 int %8.0g d4.% ranch/farm for bus. x508 byte %8.0g d5.own status farm/ranch x509 byte %8.0g d5a.business pay rent x510 int %8.0g d5b.rent amt from bus x511 byte %8.0g d5b.rent per from bus x512 long %12.0g d5c.house & lot value x513 long %12.0g d5d.property value x514 byte %8.0g d5e.pay business rent x516 int %8.0g d5f.year moved to f/r x517 byte %8.0g d6.bus pay rent use f/r. x518 int %8.0g d6a.rent amt:f/r x519 byte %8.0g d6a.rent per use f/r x520 byte %8.0g d7.pay rent use f/r x521 int %8.0g d7a.rent amt use f/r x522 byte %8.0g d7a.rent per use f/r x523 int %8.0g d8.% prop non-business x524 byte %8.0g d9.own house/surr land x525 long %12.0g d9a.house & lot value x526 long %12.0g d10.property value x601 byte %8.0g d11.own mobile home x602 byte %8.0g d11a.rent amt mobile hom x603 byte %8.0g d11a.rent per mobile hom x604 int %8.0g d11b.mob home site value x606 int %8.0g d11c.year buy mob site x607 int %8.0g d11d.price mob home site x608 byte %8.0g d11d.gift/inher mob site x609 byte %8.0g d11e.expln:nthr own/rent x611 int %8.0g d11f.yr moved mob home x612 int %8.0g d12.rent amt mob hm site x613 byte %8.0g d12.rent per mob hm site x614 long %12.0g d12a.mob home value x616 int %8.0g d12b.year buy mob home x617 long %12.0g d12c.price mobile home x618 byte %8.0g d12c.mob home gift/inher x619 int %8.0g d13.rent amt mob hm & si x620 byte %8.0g d13.rent per mob hm & si x622 int %8.0g d13a.yr moved mob home x623 long %12.0g d14.val mob home & site. x624 byte %8.0g d15.site & home bt separ x626 int %8.0g d15a.year buy mob home x627 long %12.0g d15b.price mobile home x628 byte %8.0g d15b.mob home gift/inher x630 int %8.0g d15c.yr bought mob site x631 long %12.0g d15d.price mob home site x632 byte %8.0g d15d.gift/inher mob site x634 int %8.0g d15e.yr buy mob hom & si x635 long %12.0g d15f.price mob home&site x636 byte %8.0g d15f.gift/inh mob hm&sit x701 byte %8.0g d16.ownership status x702 byte %8.0g d16a.ckpt.mult hu/not x703 int %8.0g d16b.condo/coop/town fee x704 byte %8.0g d16b.condo/coop/town per x705 byte %8.0g d16c.type hous arrangmnt x707 int %8.0g d16d.year moved to home. x708 long %12.0g d17.rent amount x709 byte %8.0g d17.rent per what x710 byte %8.0g d17a.rent include utilit x711 byte %8.0g d17b.rent furn/unfurnish x713 int %8.0g d17c.year moved to home. x714 byte %8.0g d18.own entire bldg/unit x715 byte %8.0g d18a.# units in building x716 long %12.0g d19.property value x717 long %12.0g d20.property purch price x718 byte %8.0g d20.property gift/inher. x720 int %8.0g d21.year property purch. x721 long %12.0g d22.property tax amount. x722 byte %8.0g d22.property tax per x723 byte %8.0g d23.if mortgage/land con x724 byte %8.0g d24.mortgage 1.fha/va x725 byte %8.0g d24a.mortgage 1 insured x726 byte %8.0g d25.mortgage 1 type x727 byte %8.0g d26-1.mort 1.why chose x728 byte %8.0g d26-2.mort 1.why chose x802 int %8.0g d27.mortgage 1.year x803 byte %8.0g d27a.mort 1.assume owner x804 long %12.0g d28.mort 1.amt borrowed. x805 long %12.0g d29.mort 1.amt owed x806 byte %8.0g d30.mort 1.years to pay. x807 int %8.0g d30.mort 1.# payments x808 long %12.0g d31.mort 1.payment amt x809 byte %8.0g d31.mort 1.payment per x810 byte %8.0g d32.mort 1.inc tax/insur x811 byte %8.0g d33.mort 1.done/balloon. x812 long %12.0g d33a.mort 1.balloon amt. x813 long %12.0g d34.mort 1.typ pmt amt x814 byte %8.0g d34.mort 1.typ pmt per x815 int %8.0g d34a.mort 1.year repaid. x816 int %8.0g d35.mort 1.interest rate x817 byte %8.0g d36.mort 1.type instit x819 byte %8.0g d38.mort 1.why lender x820 byte %8.0g d39.mort 1.adjust rate x821 byte %8.0g d39a.mort 1.dep oth rate x822 byte %8.0g d39b.mort 1.dep what rat x823 byte %8.0g d39c.mort 1.rat chg freq x824 byte %8.0g d39c.mort 1.rate chg per x825 byte %8.0g d39d.mort 1.rate chg pmt x826 int %8.0g d39e.mort 1.rat chg 1tim x827 int %8.0g d39f.mort 1.rate chg max x828 int %8.0g d39g.mort 1.orig int rat x829 byte %8.0g d39m.mort 1.convertible. x830 byte %8.0g d40.mort/land contract 2 x902 int %8.0g d27.mortgage 2.year x903 byte %8.0g d27a.mort 2.assumed own. x904 long %12.0g d28.mort 2.amt borrowed. x905 long %12.0g d29.mort 2.amount owed x906 byte %8.0g d30.mort 2.years to pay. x907 int %8.0g d30.mort 2.# payments x908 long %12.0g d31.mort 2.payment amt x909 byte %8.0g d31.mort 2.payment per x911 byte %8.0g d33.mort 2.done/balloon. x912 long %12.0g d33a.mort 2.balloon amt. x913 int %8.0g d34.mort 2.typ pmt amt x914 byte %8.0g d34.mort 2.typ pmt per x915 int %8.0g d34a.mort 2.year repaid. x916 int %8.0g d35.mort 2.interest rate x917 byte %8.0g d36.mort 2.typ institut. x918 byte %8.0g d37-1.mort 2.purp $ used x920 byte %8.0g d39.mort 2.adjust rate x931 byte %8.0g d40a.loans use prop coll x1002 int %8.0g d27.mortgage 3.year x1004 long %12.0g d28.mort 3.amt borrowed. x1005 long %12.0g d29.mort 3.amt owed x1006 byte %8.0g d30.mort 3.years to pay. x1007 byte %8.0g d30.mort 3.# payments x1008 int %8.0g d31.mort 3.payment amt x1009 byte %8.0g d31.mort 3.payment per x1011 byte %8.0g d33.mort 3.done/balloon. x1012 long %12.0g d33a.mort 3.balloon amt. x1013 int %8.0g d34.mort 3.typ pmt amt x1014 byte %8.0g d34.mort 3.typ pmt per x1015 int %8.0g d34a.mort 3.year repaid. x1016 int %8.0g d35.mort 3.interest rate x1017 byte %8.0g d36.mort 3.type institut x1018 byte %8.0g d37-1.mort 3.purp $ used x1020 byte %8.0g d39.mort 3.adjust rate x1032 byte %8.0g d41.oth loans prop purch x1034 int %8.0g d42.mortgage 4.year x1035 long %12.0g d43.mort 4.amt borrowed. x1036 byte %8.0g d44.mort 4.loan type x1037 int %8.0g d45.mort 4.# payments x1039 int %8.0g d46.mort 4.payment amt x1040 int %8.0g d47.mort 4.typ pmt amt x1041 byte %8.0g d47.mort 4.typ pmt per x1043 int %8.0g d48.mort 4.year repaid x1044 long %12.0g d49.mort 4.amt owed x1045 int %8.0g d50.mort 4.interest rate x1046 byte %8.0g d51.mort 4.type institut x1101 byte %8.0g d52.lines of credit:own x1102 byte %8.0g d53.# lines of credit:ow x1103 byte %8.0g d53a-1.sec by home eq:ow x1104 long %12.0g d53b-1.max amt borrow:ow x1105 byte %8.0g d53c-1.current borrow:ow x1106 byte %8.0g d53d-1.1.loan purpose:ow x1107 byte %8.0g d53d-1.2.loan purpose:ow x1108 long %12.0g d53e-1.amount owed:own x1109 long %12.0g d53f-1.typic pmt amt:own x1110 byte %8.0g d53f-1.typic pmt per:own x1111 int %8.0g d53g-1.interest rate:own x1112 byte %8.0g d53h-1.type institut:own x1114 byte %8.0g d53a-2.sec by home eq:ow x1115 long %12.0g d53b-2.max amt borrow:ow x1116 byte %8.0g d53c-2.current borrow:ow x1117 byte %8.0g d53d-2.1.loan purpose:ow x1118 byte %8.0g d53d-2.2.loan purpose:ow x1119 long %12.0g d53e-2.amount owed:own x1120 int %8.0g d53f-2.typic pmt amt:own x1121 byte %8.0g d53f-2.typic pmt per:own x1122 int %8.0g d53g-2.interest rate:own x1123 byte %8.0g d53h-2.type institut:own x1125 byte %8.0g d53a-3.sec by home eq:ow x1126 long %12.0g d53b-3.max amt borrow:ow x1127 byte %8.0g d53c-3.current borrow:ow x1128 byte %8.0g d53d-3.1.loan purpose:ow x1129 byte %8.0g d53d-3.2.loan purpose:ow x1130 long %12.0g d53e-3.amount owed:own x1131 long %12.0g d53f-3.typic pmt amt:own x1132 byte %8.0g d53f-3.typic pmt per:own x1133 int %8.0g d53g-3.interest rate:own x1134 byte %8.0g d53h-3.type institut:own x1136 long %12.0g d53m.amt owe rem loc:own x1201 byte %8.0g d54.additions/remodeling x1202 long %12.0g d54a.add/remodel cost x1203 byte %8.0g d54b.add/remodel owe $ x1205 int %8.0g d55.add/remod loan year. x1206 long %12.0g d56.add/remod amt borrow x1207 byte %8.0g d57.add/remod loan type. x1208 int %8.0g d58.add/remod # pmts x1210 int %8.0g d59.add/remod mo pmt amt x1211 int %8.0g d60.add/rem typ pmt amt. x1212 byte %8.0g d60.add/rem typ pmt per. x1214 int %8.0g d61.add/remod yr repaid. x1215 long %12.0g d62.add/remod amt owed x1216 int %8.0g d63.add/remod inter rate x1217 byte %8.0g d64.add/remod type inst. x1218 byte %8.0g d65.add/remod other loan x1219 int %8.0g d65a.add/remod oth $ owe x1220 int %8.0g d65b.add/rem oth pmt amt x1221 byte %8.0g d65b.add/rem oth pmt per x1223 byte %8.0g d67.rent part to others. x1224 int %8.0g d67a.rent collect amt x1225 byte %8.0g d67a.rent collect per x1302 long %12.0g d68a.max amt borrow:rnt x1303 byte %8.0g d68b.current borrow:rnt x1308 byte %8.0g d68d.# loc bor agnst:rnt x1401 byte %8.0g e1.sold real estate-loan x1402 byte %8.0g e2.buyer owe money now x1403 byte %8.0g e2a.# loans owed $ on x1404 byte %8.0g e3-1.type real est loan x1405 long %12.0g e4-1.amt owed r e note x1407 int %8.0g e5-1.year real est loan. x1408 long %12.0g e6-1.amt loaned r e loan x1409 long %12.0g e7-1.amt owed re mort/lc x1410 long %12.0g e8-1.pmt amt r e loan x1411 byte %8.0g e8-1.pmt per r e loan x1412 byte %8.0g e9-1.# yrs real est loan x1413 byte %8.0g e9-1.# pmt real est loan x1414 byte %8.0g e10-1.r e loan done/ball x1415 long %12.0g e10a-1.ball pmt r e loan x1416 byte %8.0g e11-1.owe $ r e loan x1417 long %12.0g e11a-1.amt owe r e loan. x1504 byte %8.0g e3-2.type real est loan x1505 long %12.0g e4-2.amt owed r e note x1507 int %8.0g e5-2.year real est loan. x1508 long %12.0g e6-2.amt loaned r e loan x1509 long %12.0g e7-2.amt owed re mort/lc x1510 long %12.0g e8-2.pmt amt r e loan x1511 byte %8.0g e8-2.pmt per r e loan x1512 byte %8.0g e9-2.# yrs real est loan x1513 byte %8.0g e9-2.# pmt real est loan x1514 byte %8.0g e10-2.r e loan done/ball x1515 long %12.0g e10a-2.ball pmt r e loan x1516 byte %8.0g e11-2.owe $ r e loan x1517 long %12.0g e11a-2.amt owe r e loan. x1604 byte %8.0g e3-3.type real est loan x1605 long %12.0g e4-3.amt owed r e note x1607 int %8.0g e5-3.year real est loan. x1608 long %12.0g e6-3.amt loaned r e loan x1609 long %12.0g e7-3.amt owed re mort/lc x1610 long %12.0g e8-3.pmt amt r e loan x1611 byte %8.0g e8-3.pmt per r e loan x1612 byte %8.0g e9-3.# yrs real est loan x1613 byte %8.0g e9-3.# pmt real est loan x1614 byte %8.0g e10-3.r e loan done/ball x1615 long %12.0g e10a-3.ball pmt r e loan x1616 byte %8.0g e11-3.owe $ r e loan x1617 long %12.0g e11a-3.amt owe r e loan. x1619 long %12.0g e13.amt owed rem re loan x1620 byte %8.0g e13a.owe $ rem r e loans x1621 long %12.0g e13b.amt owe rem re loan x1700 byte %8.0g e14.own other real est x1701 int %8.0g e15.# real est prop own. x1703 byte %8.0g e16-1.type property x1704 byte %8.0g e17-1.type ownership x1705 int %8.0g e17a-1.% property own x1706 long %12.0g e18-1.property value x1708 int %8.0g e19-1.year bought prop x1709 long %12.0g e20-1.purchase cost prop x1710 byte %8.0g e20-1.gift/inherit prop. x1711 byte %8.0g e21-1.loans on property. x1713 int %8.0g e22-1.year prop loan x1714 long %12.0g e23-1.amt bor prop loan x1715 long %12.0g e24-1.amt owe prop loan x1716 byte %8.0g e25-1.# years prop loan x1717 int %8.0g e25-1.# pmts prop loan x1718 long %12.0g e26-1.pmt amt prop loan x1719 byte %8.0g e26-1.pmt per prop loan x1720 byte %8.0g e27-1.tax/ins prop loan x1721 byte %8.0g e28-1.done/ball prp loan x1722 long %12.0g e28a-1.ball pmt prp loan x1723 long %12.0g e29-1.typ pmt prop loan x1724 byte %8.0g e29-1.typ per prop loan x1725 int %8.0g e30-1.yr prop loan repd x1726 int %8.0g e31-1.int rate prop loan x1727 byte %8.0g e32-1.adj rate prop loan x1728 byte %8.0g e33-1.type inst prp loan x1729 byte %8.0g e34-1.receive prop inc x1730 long %12.0g e34a-1.gross prop income x1803 byte %8.0g e16-2.type property x1804 byte %8.0g e17-2.type ownership x1805 int %8.0g e17a-2.% property own x1806 long %12.0g e18-2.property value x1808 int %8.0g e19-2.year bought prop x1809 long %12.0g e20-2.purchase cost prop x1810 byte %8.0g e20-2.gift/inherit prop. x1811 byte %8.0g e21-2.loans on property. x1813 int %8.0g e22-2.year prop loan x1814 long %12.0g e23-2.amt bor prop loan x1815 long %12.0g e24-2.amt owe prop loan x1816 byte %8.0g e25-2.# years prop loan x1817 int %8.0g e25-2.# pmts prop loan x1818 long %12.0g e26-2.pmt amt prop loan x1819 byte %8.0g e26-2.pmt per prop loan x1820 byte %8.0g e27-2.tax/ins prop loan x1821 byte %8.0g e28-2.done/ball prp loan x1822 long %12.0g e28a-2.ball pmt prp loan x1823 long %12.0g e29-2.typ pmt prop loan x1824 byte %8.0g e29-2.typ per prop loan x1825 int %8.0g e30-2.yr prop loan repd x1826 int %8.0g e31-2.int rate prop loan x1827 byte %8.0g e32-2.adj rate prop loan x1828 byte %8.0g e33-2.type inst prp loan x1829 byte %8.0g e34-2.receive prop inc x1830 long %12.0g e34a-2.gross prop income x1903 byte %8.0g e16-3.type property x1904 byte %8.0g e17-3.type ownership x1905 int %8.0g e17a-3.% property own x1906 long %12.0g e18-3.property value x1908 int %8.0g e19-3.year bought prop x1909 long %12.0g e20-3.purchase cost prop x1910 byte %8.0g e20-3.gift/inherit prop. x1911 byte %8.0g e21-3.loans on property. x1913 int %8.0g e22-3.year prop loan x1914 long %12.0g e23-3.amt bor prop loan x1915 long %12.0g e24-3.amt owe prop loan x1916 byte %8.0g e25-3.# years prop loan x1917 int %8.0g e25-3.# pmts prop loan x1918 long %12.0g e26-3.pmt amt prop loan x1919 byte %8.0g e26-3.pmt per prop loan x1920 byte %8.0g e27-3.tax/ins prop loan x1921 byte %8.0g e28-3.done/ball prp loan x1922 long %12.0g e28a-3.ball pmt prp loan x1923 int %8.0g e29-3.typ pmt prop loan x1924 byte %8.0g e29-3.typ per prop loan x1925 int %8.0g e30-3.yr prop loan repd x1926 int %8.0g e31-3.int rate prop loan x1927 byte %8.0g e32-3.adj rate prop loan x1928 byte %8.0g e33-3.type inst prp loan x1929 byte %8.0g e34-3.receive prop incom x1930 long %12.0g e34a-3.gross prop income x2001 byte %8.0g e36.remain prop vac/rec. x2002 long %12.0g e36a.value vac/rec prop. x2003 long %12.0g e36b.purch price vac/rec x2004 byte %8.0g e36b.gift/inher vac/rec. x2005 byte %8.0g e36c.loans on vac/rec x2006 long %12.0g e36d.amt owe vac/rec x2007 int %8.0g e36e.amt pmt vac/rec prp x2008 byte %8.0g e36e.amt per vac/rec prp x2009 byte %8.0g e36f.receiv inc vac/rec. x2010 long %12.0g e36g.gross vac/rec inc x2011 byte %8.0g e36h.own other property. x2012 long %12.0g e37.value other property x2013 long %12.0g e37a.purch cost oth prop x2014 byte %8.0g e37a.gift/inher oth prop x2015 byte %8.0g e37b.loans on oth prop x2016 long %12.0g e37c.amt owe other prop. x2017 long %12.0g e37d.amt pmt other prop. x2018 byte %8.0g e37d.amt per other prop. x2019 byte %8.0g e37e.receiv inc oth prop x2020 long %12.0g e37f.gross oth prop inc. x2101 byte %8.0g g1.if lease vehicles x2102 byte %8.0g g2.# leased vehicles x2104 int %8.0g g4-1.leased vehicle year x2105 int %8.0g g5-1.leas veh pmt amt x2106 byte %8.0g g5-1.leas veh pmt per x2107 byte %8.0g g5a-1.leas veh yrs lease x2108 byte %8.0g g5a-1.leas veh mos lease x2111 int %8.0g g4-2.leased vehicle year x2112 int %8.0g g5-2.leas veh pmt amt x2113 byte %8.0g g5-2.leas veh pmt per x2114 byte %8.0g g5a-2.leas veh yrs lease x2115 byte %8.0g g5a-2.leas veh mos lease x2117 int %8.0g g6a-2.pmt amt oth leas v x2118 byte %8.0g g6a-2.pmt per oth leas v x2201 byte %8.0g g7.#own vehicles x2202 byte %8.0g g7a.# owned vehicles x2203 byte %8.0g g8-1.type vehicle x2205 int %8.0g g10-1.vehicle year x2206 byte %8.0g g11-1.owe on vehicle x2208 int %8.0g g13-1.year vehicle loan. x2209 long %12.0g g14-1.amt bor veh loan x2210 byte %8.0g g15-1.type vehicle loan. x2211 int %8.0g g16-1.# pmts veh loan x2213 int %8.0g g17-1.mo pmt amt veh ln x2214 int %8.0g g18-1.typ pmt amt veh ln x2215 byte %8.0g g18-1.typ pmt per veh ln x2217 int %8.0g g19-1.yr veh loan repaid x2218 long %12.0g g20-1.amt owe veh loan x2219 int %8.0g g21-1.int rate veh loan. x2220 byte %8.0g g22-1.type inst veh loan x2303 byte %8.0g g8-2.type vehicle x2305 int %8.0g g10-2.vehicle year x2306 byte %8.0g g11-2.owe on vehicle x2308 int %8.0g g13-2.year vehicle loan. x2309 long %12.0g g14-2.amt bor veh loan x2310 byte %8.0g g15-2.type vehicle loan. x2311 int %8.0g g16-2.# pmts veh loan x2313 int %8.0g g17-2.mo pmt amt veh ln x2314 int %8.0g g18-2.typ pmt amt veh ln x2315 byte %8.0g g18-2.typ pmt per veh ln x2317 int %8.0g g19-2.yr veh loan repaid x2318 int %8.0g g20-2.amt owe veh loan x2319 int %8.0g g21-2.int rate veh loan. x2320 byte %8.0g g22-2.type inst veh loan x2403 byte %8.0g g8-3.type vehicle x2405 int %8.0g g10-3.vehicle year x2406 byte %8.0g g11-3.owe on vehicle x2408 int %8.0g g13-3.year vehicle loan. x2409 long %12.0g g14-3.amt bor veh loan x2410 byte %8.0g g15-3.type vehicle loan. x2411 int %8.0g g16-3.# pmts veh loan x2413 int %8.0g g17-3.mo pmt amt veh ln x2414 int %8.0g g18-3.typ pmt amt veh ln x2415 byte %8.0g g18-3.typ pmt per veh ln x2417 int %8.0g g19-3.yr veh loan repaid x2418 long %12.0g g20-3.amt owe veh loan x2419 int %8.0g g21-3.int rate veh loan. x2420 byte %8.0g g22-3.type inst veh loan x2422 long %12.0g g23a.remain veh value x2423 byte %8.0g g23b.owe money rem veh x2424 int %8.0g g23c.amt owe remain veh. x2425 int %8.0g g23d.pmt amt remain veh. x2426 byte %8.0g g23d.pmt per remain veh. x2501 byte %8.0g g24.oth veh owned by bus x2502 byte %8.0g g24a.# oth veh owned bus x2503 byte %8.0g g25.rv/boat/plane/etc x2504 byte %8.0g g25a.# oth vehicle owned x2505 byte %8.0g g26-1.type other veh x2506 long %12.0g g27-1.value oth vehicle. x2507 byte %8.0g g28-1.owe on oth vehicle x2509 int %8.0g g29-1.year oth veh loan. x2510 long %12.0g g30-1.amt bor oth veh ln x2511 byte %8.0g g31-1.type oth veh loan. x2512 int %8.0g g32-1.# pmt oth veh loan x2514 long %12.0g g33-1.mo pmt amt oth veh x2515 int %8.0g g34-1.typ pt amt oth veh x2516 byte %8.0g g34-1.typ pt per oth veh x2518 int %8.0g g35-1.yr oth veh ln repd x2519 long %12.0g g36-1.amt owe oth veh ln x2520 int %8.0g g37-1.int rat oth veh ln x2521 byte %8.0g g38-1.typ ins oth veh ln x2605 byte %8.0g g26-2.type other veh x2606 long %12.0g g27-2.value oth vehicle. x2607 byte %8.0g g28-2.owe on oth vehicle x2609 int %8.0g g29-2.year oth veh loan. x2610 long %12.0g g30-2.amt bor oth veh ln x2611 byte %8.0g g31-2.type oth veh loan. x2612 int %8.0g g32-2.# pmt oth veh loan x2614 int %8.0g g33-2.mo pmt amt oth veh x2615 int %8.0g g34-2.typ pt amt oth veh x2616 byte %8.0g g34-2.typ pt per oth veh x2618 int %8.0g g35-2.yr oth veh ln repd x2619 long %12.0g g36-2.amt owe oth veh ln x2620 int %8.0g g37-2.int rat oth veh ln x2621 byte %8.0g g38-2.typ ins oth veh ln x2623 long %12.0g g39a.oth vehicle value x2624 byte %8.0g g39b.owe money oth veh x2625 byte %8.0g g39c.amt owe oth vehicle x2626 byte %8.0g g39d.pmt amt oth vehicle x2627 byte %8.0g g39d.pmt per oth vehicle x2709 byte %8.0g h3.# loans h2a-h2d x2710 byte %8.0g h4-1.1.loan purpose x2711 byte %8.0g h4-1.2.loan purpose x2713 int %8.0g h5-1.loan year x2714 long %12.0g h6-1.amount borrowed x2715 byte %8.0g h7-1.loan type x2716 int %8.0g h8-1.# payments x2718 int %8.0g h9-1.monthly payment amt x2719 long %12.0g h10-1.typ payment amt x2720 byte %8.0g h10-1.typ payment per x2722 int %8.0g h11-1.year loan repaid x2723 long %12.0g h12-1.amt owed on loan x2724 int %8.0g h13-1.interest rate loan x2725 byte %8.0g h14-1.type institution x2727 byte %8.0g h4-2.1.loan purpose x2728 byte %8.0g h4-2.2.loan purpose x2730 int %8.0g h5-2.loan year x2731 long %12.0g h6-2.amount borrowed x2732 byte %8.0g h7-2.loan type x2733 int %8.0g h8-2.# payments x2735 int %8.0g h9-2.monthly payment amt x2736 long %12.0g h10-2.typ payment amt x2737 byte %8.0g h10-2.typ payment per x2739 int %8.0g h11-2.year loan repaid x2740 long %12.0g h12-2.amt owed on loan x2741 int %8.0g h13-2.interest rate loan x2742 byte %8.0g h14-2.type institution x2810 byte %8.0g h4-3.1.loan purpose x2811 byte %8.0g h4-3.2.loan purpose x2813 int %8.0g h5-3.loan year x2814 long %12.0g h6-3.amount borrowed x2815 byte %8.0g h7-3.loan type x2816 int %8.0g h8-3.# payments x2818 int %8.0g h9-3.monthly payment amt x2819 int %8.0g h10-3.typ payment amt x2820 byte %8.0g h10-3.typ payment per x2822 int %8.0g h11-3.year loan repaid x2823 long %12.0g h12-3.amt owed on loan x2824 int %8.0g h13-3.interest rate loan x2825 byte %8.0g h14-3.type institution x2827 byte %8.0g h4-4.1.loan purpose x2828 byte %8.0g h4-4.2.loan purpose x2830 int %8.0g h5-4.loan year x2831 long %12.0g h6-4.amount borrowed x2832 byte %8.0g h7-4.loan type x2833 int %8.0g h8-4.# payments x2835 int %8.0g h9-4.monthly payment amt x2836 int %8.0g h10-4.typ payment amt x2837 byte %8.0g h10-4.typ payment per x2839 int %8.0g h11-4.year loan repaid x2840 long %12.0g h12-4.amt owed on loan x2841 int %8.0g h13-4.interest rate loan x2842 byte %8.0g h14-4.type institution x2910 byte %8.0g h4-5.1.loan purpose x2911 byte %8.0g h4-5.2.loan purpose x2913 int %8.0g h5-5.loan year x2914 long %12.0g h6-5.amount borrowed x2915 byte %8.0g h7-5.loan type x2916 int %8.0g h8-5.# payments x2918 int %8.0g h9-5.monthly payment amt x2919 int %8.0g h10-5.typ payment amt x2920 byte %8.0g h10-5.typ payment per x2922 int %8.0g h11-5.year loan repaid x2923 long %12.0g h12-5.amt owed on loan x2924 int %8.0g h13-5.interest rate loan x2925 byte %8.0g h14-5.type institution x2927 byte %8.0g h4-6.1.loan purpose x2928 byte %8.0g h4-6.2.loan purpose x2930 int %8.0g h5-6.loan year x2931 long %12.0g h6-6.amount borrowed x2932 byte %8.0g h7-6.loan type x2933 byte %8.0g h8-6.# payments x2935 int %8.0g h9-6.monthly payment amt x2936 int %8.0g h10-6.typ payment amt x2937 byte %8.0g h10-6.typ payment per x2939 int %8.0g h11-6.year loan repaid x2940 long %12.0g h12-6.amt owed on loan x2941 int %8.0g h13-6.interest rate loan x2942 byte %8.0g h14-6.type institution x3001 byte %8.0g h16.ckpt.loan-debt/other x3002 byte %8.0g h17.why lend most recent x3003 byte %8.0g h18.dist lend mst recent x3004 byte %8.0g h19.pay on time-last yr. x3005 byte %8.0g h19a.behind 2 mos in pmt x3006 byte %8.0g j1.1.import reason save. x3007 byte %8.0g j1.2.import reason save. x3008 byte %8.0g j2.most imp plan period. x3009 byte %8.0g j3.least imp plan period x3010 byte %8.0g j4.if future obligations x3011 byte %8.0g j4a-1.type future oblig. x3012 byte %8.0g j4a-2.type future oblig. x3013 byte %8.0g j4a-3.type future oblig. x3014 byte %8.0g j5.attitude-finance risk x3015 byte %8.0g j6-1.spend more than inc x3016 byte %8.0g j6-2.spend same as incom x3017 byte %8.0g j6-3.save extra-no plan. x3018 byte %8.0g j6-4.save 1 inc-spend 1. x3019 byte %8.0g j6-5.spend reg-save oth. x3020 byte %8.0g j6-6.save regularly x3021 byte %8.0g j7.risk u.s. depression. x3022 byte %8.0g j8.risk doub dig inflat. x3023 byte %8.0g j9.adeq retirement incom x3024 byte %8.0g j10.shop for sav/loans x3101 byte %8.0g m1.ckpt.farm-ranch bus x3103 byte %8.0g m3.own any businesses x3104 byte %8.0g m4.manage businesses own x3105 byte %8.0g m4a.# bus own + manage x3107 byte %8.0g m5a-1.type business x3108 byte %8.0g m6-1.how acquir business x3109 byte %8.0g m7-1.intend active role. x3110 int %8.0g m8-1.yr bus start/acquir x3111 int %8.0g m9-1.# business employee x3113 byte %8.0g m9b-a-1.r work in busin. x3114 byte %8.0g m9b-b-1.s work in busin. x3115 byte %8.0g m9b-c-1.ad child wrk bus x3116 byte %8.0g m9b-d-1.oth hh ad wk bus x3117 byte %8.0g m9b-e-1.oth work in bus. x3118 byte %8.0g m9c-1.# hr/wk bus-no r/s x3119 byte %8.0g m9d-1.business leg type. x3120 byte %8.0g m10-1.cosign/guar loans. x3121 long %12.0g m10a-1.amt guar/collater x3122 byte %8.0g m10b-1.recorded earlier. x3123 byte %8.0g m11-1.bus owe fam money. x3124 long %12.0g m11a-1.amt owed to famil x3125 byte %8.0g m12-1.fam owe bus money. x3126 long %12.0g m12a-1.amt fam owe busin x3127 byte %8.0g m12b-1.recorded earlier. x3128 int %8.0g m13-1.% of bus fam owns. x3129 long %12.0g m14-1.share of bus value x3130 long %12.0g m15-1.amt orig investmnt x3131 long %12.0g m16-1.1988 amt bus gross x3132 long %12.0g m17-1.1988 bus net incom x3133 long %12.0g m18-1.tot busines equity x3207 byte %8.0g m5a-2.type business x3208 byte %8.0g m6-2 how acquir business x3209 byte %8.0g m7-2 intend active role. x3210 int %8.0g m8-2 yr bus start/acquir x3211 int %8.0g m9-2 # business employee x3213 byte %8.0g m9b-a-2.r work in busin. x3214 byte %8.0g m9b-b-2.s work in busin. x3215 byte %8.0g m9b-c-2.ad child wrk bus x3216 byte %8.0g m9b-d-2.oth hh ad wk bus x3217 byte %8.0g m9b-e-2.oth work in bus. x3218 byte %8.0g m9c-2.# hr/wk bus-no r/s x3219 byte %8.0g m9d-2.business leg type. x3220 byte %8.0g m10-2.cosign/guar loans. x3221 long %12.0g m10a-2.amt guar/collater x3222 byte %8.0g m10b-2.recorded earlier. x3223 byte %8.0g m11-2.bus owe fam money. x3224 long %12.0g m11a-2.amt owed to famil x3225 byte %8.0g m12-2.fam owe bus money. x3226 long %12.0g m12a-2.amt fam owe busin x3227 byte %8.0g m12b-2.recorded earlier. x3228 int %8.0g m13-2.% of bus fam owns. x3229 long %12.0g m14-2.share of bus value x3230 long %12.0g m15-2.amt orig investmnt x3231 long %12.0g m16-2.1988 amt bus gross x3232 long %12.0g m17-2.1988 bus net incom x3233 long %12.0g m18-2.tot busines equity x3307 byte %8.0g m5a-3.type business x3308 byte %8.0g m6-3 how acquir business x3309 byte %8.0g m7-3 intend active role. x3310 int %8.0g m8-3 yr bus start/acquir x3311 int %8.0g m9-3 # business employee x3313 byte %8.0g m9b-a-3.r work in busin. x3314 byte %8.0g m9b-b-3.s work in busin. x3315 byte %8.0g m9b-c-3.ad child wrk bus x3316 byte %8.0g m9b-d-3.oth hh ad wk bus x3317 byte %8.0g m9b-e-3.oth work in bus. x3318 byte %8.0g m9c-3.# hr/wk bus-no r/s x3319 byte %8.0g m9d-3.business leg type. x3320 byte %8.0g m10-3.cosign/guar loans. x3321 long %12.0g m10a-3.amt guar/collater x3322 byte %8.0g m10b-3.recorded earlier. x3323 byte %8.0g m11-3.bus owe fam money. x3324 long %12.0g m11a-3.amt owed to famil x3325 byte %8.0g m12-3.fam owe bus money. x3326 long %12.0g m12a-3.amt fam owe busin x3327 byte %8.0g m12b-3.recorded earlier. x3328 int %8.0g m13-3.% of bus fam owns. x3329 long %12.0g m14-3.share of bus value x3330 long %12.0g m15-3.amt orig investmnt x3331 long %12.0g m16-3.1988 amt bus gross x3332 long %12.0g m17-3.1988 bus net incom x3333 long %12.0g m18-3.tot busines equity x3335 long %12.0g m19a.val rem busin share x3336 long %12.0g m19b.orig invest rem bus x3337 long %12.0g m19c.88 net inc rem bus. x3401 byte %8.0g m20.own not mng oth bus. x3407 byte %8.0g m21a.any bus lmt partner x3408 long %12.0g m22a.val share lmt pship x3409 long %12.0g m23a.orig inv lmt pship. x3410 long %12.0g m24a.88 net inc lmt pshp x3411 byte %8.0g m21b.any bus other pship x3412 long %12.0g m22b.val share oth pship x3413 long %12.0g m23b.orig inv oth pship. x3414 long %12.0g m24b.88 net inc oth pshp x3415 byte %8.0g m21c.any bus chap s corp x3416 long %12.0g m22c.val share ch s corp x3417 long %12.0g m23c.orig inv ch s corp. x3418 long %12.0g m24c.88 net inc ch s crp x3419 byte %8.0g m21d.any bus other corp. x3420 long %12.0g m22d.val share oth corp. x3421 long %12.0g m23d.orig inv other corp x3422 long %12.0g m24d.88 net inc oth corp x3423 byte %8.0g m21e.any bus sole prop x3424 long %12.0g m22e.val share sole prop x3425 long %12.0g m23e.orig inv sole prop. x3426 long %12.0g m24e.88 net inc sole prp x3427 byte %8.0g m21f.any bus other type. x3428 long %12.0g m22f.val share oth type. x3429 long %12.0g m23f.orig inv other type x3430 long %12.0g m24f.88 net inc oth type x3501 byte %8.0g n1.have checking account x3502 byte %8.0g n2.ever had check accnt. x3503 byte %8.0g n2a.why not have chk acc x3504 byte %8.0g n3.# checking accounts x3505 byte %8.0g n4-1.type institution x3506 long %12.0g n5-1.amt in check accnt. x3507 byte %8.0g n6-1.money market accnt. x3509 byte %8.0g n4-2.type institution x3510 long %12.0g n5-2.amt in check accnt. x3511 byte %8.0g n6-2.money market accnt. x3513 byte %8.0g n4-3.type institution x3514 long %12.0g n5-3.amt in check accnt. x3515 byte %8.0g n6-3.money market accnt. x3517 byte %8.0g n4-4.type institution x3518 long %12.0g n5-4.amt in check accnt. x3519 byte %8.0g n6-4.money market accnt. x3521 byte %8.0g n4-5.type institution x3522 long %12.0g n5-5.amt in check accnt. x3523 byte %8.0g n6-5.money market accnt. x3525 byte %8.0g n4-6.type institution x3526 long %12.0g n5-6.amt in check accnt. x3527 byte %8.0g n6-6.money market accnt. x3529 long %12.0g n8.amt in rem chk accnts x3530 byte %8.0g n9.why chk acct institut x3601 byte %8.0g n10.any ira/keogh accnts x3602 byte %8.0g n10a-r.have ira/keogh x3603 byte %8.0g n11-r.# ira/keogh accts. x3604 byte %8.0g n12a-r.have ira account. x3605 byte %8.0g n12b-r.have keogh accnt. x3606 byte %8.0g n13-1-r.type institution x3607 byte %8.0g n13-2-r.type institution x3608 byte %8.0g n13-3-r.type institution x3609 byte %8.0g n13-4-r.type institution x3610 long %12.0g n14-r.amt ira/keogh acct x3612 byte %8.0g n10a-s.have ira/keogh x3613 byte %8.0g n11-s.# ira/keogh accts. x3614 byte %8.0g n12a-s.have ira account. x3615 byte %8.0g n12b-s.have keogh accnt. x3616 byte %8.0g n13-1-s.type institution x3617 byte %8.0g n13-2-s.type institution x3618 byte %8.0g n13-3-s.type institution x3619 byte %8.0g n13-4-s.type institution x3620 long %12.0g n14-s amt ira/keogh acct x3622 byte %8.0g n10a-o.have ira/keogh x3623 byte %8.0g n11-o.# ira/keogh accts. x3624 byte %8.0g n12a-o.have ira account. x3625 byte %8.0g n12b-o.have keogh accnt. x3626 byte %8.0g n13-1-o.type institution x3627 byte %8.0g n13-2-o.type institution x3628 byte %8.0g n13-3-o.type institution x3629 byte %8.0g n13-4-o.type institution x3630 long %12.0g n14-o amt ira/keogh acct x3631 byte %8.0g n15.type invst ira/keogh x3701 byte %8.0g n16.have money mkt accnt x3702 byte %8.0g n16a.# money mkt account x3703 byte %8.0g n17-1.mon mkt check writ x3704 byte %8.0g n18-1.mon mkt acct tax-f x3705 byte %8.0g n19-1.mon mkt type inst x3706 long %12.0g n20-1.amt in mon mkt acc x3708 byte %8.0g n17-2.mon mkt check writ x3709 byte %8.0g n18-2.mon mkt acct tax-f x3710 byte %8.0g n19-2.mon mkt type inst x3711 long %12.0g n20-2.amt in mon mkt acc x3713 byte %8.0g n17-3.mon mkt check writ x3714 byte %8.0g n18-3.mon mkt acct tax-f x3715 byte %8.0g n19-3.mon mkt type inst x3716 long %12.0g n20-3.amt in mon mkt acc x3718 long %12.0g n21a.amt rem mon mkt acc x3719 byte %8.0g n22.have certific of dep x3720 byte %8.0g n22a.# certificat of dep x3721 long %12.0g n22b.amt certific of dep x3722 byte %8.0g n22c-1.type cd institutn x3723 byte %8.0g n22c-2.type cd institutn x3724 byte %8.0g n22c-3.type cd institutn x3725 byte %8.0g n22c-4.type cd institutn x3801 byte %8.0g n23.have oth bank/sav/cu x3802 byte %8.0g n23a.# oth bank/sav/cu x3803 byte %8.0g n24-1.type inst oth acct x3804 long %12.0g n25-1.amt oth bnk/sav/cu x3806 byte %8.0g n24-2.type inst oth acct x3807 long %12.0g n25-2.amt oth bnk/sav/cu x3809 byte %8.0g n24-3.type inst oth acct x3810 long %12.0g n25-3.amt oth bnk/sav/cu x3812 byte %8.0g n24-4.type inst oth acct x3813 long %12.0g n25-4.amt oth bnk/sav/cu x3815 byte %8.0g n24-5.type inst oth acct x3816 long %12.0g n25-5.amt oth bnk/sav/cu x3818 long %12.0g n26a.amt in rem oth acct x3819 byte %8.0g n27.have mutual funds x3820 byte %8.0g n27a.# mutual funds x3821 byte %8.0g n28a.have stock funds x3822 long %12.0g n29a.mkt val stock funds x3823 byte %8.0g n28b.have tax-free bonds x3824 long %12.0g n29b.mkt val tax-f bonds x3825 byte %8.0g n28c.have gov bond funds x3826 long %12.0g n29c.mkt val govt bonds. x3827 byte %8.0g n28d.have oth bond funds x3828 long %12.0g n29d.mkt val oth bonds x3829 byte %8.0g n28e.have comb/oth funds x3830 long %12.0g n29e.mkt val other funds x3831 byte %8.0g n30.mut fund gain/loss x3832 long %12.0g n30a.% mutual fund gain. x3833 long %12.0g n30a.amt mutual fnd gain x3834 int %8.0g n30b.% mutual fund loss. x3835 long %12.0g n30b.amt mutual fnd loss x3901 byte %8.0g n31.if u.s. savings bond x3902 long %12.0g n31a.face val us sav bnd x3903 byte %8.0g n32.have govt/oth bonds. x3904 int %8.0g n32a.# govt/other bonds. x3905 byte %8.0g n33a.if mort-backed bond x3906 long %12.0g n34a.face val mort bonds x3907 byte %8.0g n33b.if u.s. govt bonds. x3908 long %12.0g n34b.face val u.s. bonds x3909 byte %8.0g n33c.if state/munic bond x3910 long %12.0g n34c.face val st/mun bnd x3911 byte %8.0g n33d.if corp/foreign bnd x3912 long %12.0g n34d.face val corp/for x3913 byte %8.0g n35.if pub-traded stock. x3914 int %8.0g n36.# pub-trad stock cos x3915 long %12.0g n37.mkt val pub-trad stk x3916 byte %8.0g n38.gain/loss pub-tr stk x3917 long %12.0g n38a.% gain pub-trad stk x3918 long %12.0g n38a.amt gain pub-tr stk x3919 int %8.0g n38b.% loss pub-trad stk x3920 long %12.0g n38b.amt loss pub-tr stk x3921 byte %8.0g n39.fam work in co-stock x3922 long %12.0g n39a.mkt val stk-fam co. x3923 byte %8.0g n40.have brokerage accts x3924 byte %8.0g n40a-1.typ brok acc inst x3925 byte %8.0g n40a-2.typ brok acc inst x3926 byte %8.0g n40a-3.typ brok acc inst x3927 byte %8.0g n40a-4.typ brok acc inst x3928 int %8.0g n40b.# buy/sell past yr. x3929 byte %8.0g n40c.if broker cash acct x3930 long %12.0g n40d.value brok cash acc x3931 byte %8.0g n40e.if brok margin loan x3932 long %12.0g n40f.amt owed brok marg. x3933 byte %8.0g n41.if trust/invest acct x3934 byte %8.0g n42a.if legal trusts x3935 byte %8.0g n42b.if annuities x3936 byte %8.0g n42c.if managed invest x3937 byte %8.0g n42d.if other accounts x3938 byte %8.0g n43.if income-only accts x3939 long %12.0g n43a.amt 88 inc $ on acc x3940 byte %8.0g n43b.if equity inter acc x3942 long %12.0g n44.val ann/trst/mng inv x3943 byte %8.0g n45-1.invest acct instit x3944 byte %8.0g n45-2.invest acct instit x3945 byte %8.0g n45-3.invest acct instit x3946 byte %8.0g n45-4.invest acct instit x3947 byte %8.0g n46.how trusts invested. x4001 byte %8.0g n47.if life insurance x4002 byte %8.0g n48.if term insurance x4003 long %12.0g n48a.face val term l ins x4004 byte %8.0g n49.if cash val life ins x4005 long %12.0g n49a.face val cash l ins x4006 long %12.0g n49b.cash val cash l ins x4007 byte %8.0g n49c.bor on cash lif ins x4008 byte %8.0g n49d.cash val net/gross. x4009 byte %8.0g n49e.recrd loans earlier x4010 long %12.0g n49f.amt bor cash l ins x4011 long %12.0g n49g.pmt amt csh lf loan x4012 byte %8.0g n49g.pmt per csh lf loan x4013 int %8.0g n49h.int rate cash lf ln x4014 long %12.0g n49j.pmt amt csh lf prem x4015 byte %8.0g n49j.pmt per csh lf prem x4017 byte %8.0g n51.anyone owe r money x4018 long %12.0g n51a.amt money owed to r x4019 byte %8.0g n52.if other assets x4020 byte %8.0g n52a-1.1.type oth assets x4021 byte %8.0g n52a-1.2.type oth assets x4022 long %12.0g n52b-1.value oth assets x4024 byte %8.0g n52a-2.1.type oth assets x4025 byte %8.0g n52a-2.2.type oth assets x4026 long %12.0g n52b-2.value oth assets x4028 byte %8.0g n52a-3.1.type oth assets x4029 byte %8.0g n52a-3.2.type oth assets x4030 long %12.0g n52b-3.value oth assets x4031 byte %8.0g n53.owe any other money x4032 long %12.0g n53a.amt owe other loans x4100 byte %8.0g r1-r1e emplmnt status-r x4101 byte %8.0g r1a expect return to job x4103 int %8.0g r1b year last worked x4104 int %8.0g r1d year retired/disab x4105 byte %8.0g r1c/e working now? x4106 byte %8.0g r2 work for other/self x4110 byte %8.0g r6 hours/week work .nse x4111 byte %8.0g r7 weeks/year work .nse x4112 long %12.0g r8 amt earn pre tax .nse x4113 byte %8.0g r8 per earn pre tax .nse x4114 byte %8.0g r9 #employees/org .nse x4115 byte %8.0g r10 yrs wrk cur empl.nse x4116 byte %8.0g r11 yr exp wk cr emp.nse x4117 byte %8.0g r12 union/emply assn.nse x4125 byte %8.0g r14f-a if paid salary.se x4126 byte %8.0g r14f-b if paid wages .se x4127 byte %8.0g r14f-c if pd net earn.se x4128 byte %8.0g r1f-d if paid other .se x4131 long %12.0g r14h amt bs ern pretx.se x4132 byte %8.0g r14h per bs ern pretx.se x4135 byte %8.0g r15 pens/sav plan oth.ns x4136 byte %8.0g r16 emplyr offr pens.nse x4137 byte %8.0g r16a eligbl for pens.nse x4138 byte %8.0g r16b bcm elg for pen.nse x4139 byte %8.0g r17 #pensions/sav plans x4140 byte %8.0g r17a get pmt now ret pln x4141 byte %8.0g r17b plan no get pmt now x4201 byte %8.0g r18 #plans no pmt yet x4202 byte %8.0g r19-1 pens or sav plan x4203 byte %8.0g r20-1 a(formla)/b(accnt) x4204 long %12.0g r21-1 amt in account x4205 byte %8.0g r22-1 contribute to plan x4206 int %8.0g r23-1 %contribute x4207 long %12.0g r23-1 amt contribute x4208 byte %8.0g r23-1 per contribute x4209 byte %8.0g r24-1 age receive benfts x4210 long %12.0g r25-1 amt exp benefits x4211 byte %8.0g r25-1 per exp benefits x4212 int %8.0g r25-1 % exp benefits x4213 byte %8.0g r26-1 if leave-what bnft x4214 int %8.0g r26a-1 amt rcv/mo if lft x4216 byte %8.0g r28-1 type of plan b x4217 byte %8.0g r29-1 years had plan x4218 byte %8.0g r30-1 emplyr cntrb 2 pln x4219 int %8.0g r30a-1 %employer ontrb x4220 long %12.0g r30a-1 amt emplyr cntrb x4221 byte %8.0g r30a-1 per emplyr cntrb x4222 byte %8.0g r31-1 r cntrb to plan x4223 int %8.0g r31a-1 % r cntrb to plan x4224 long %12.0g r31a-1 amt r contributes x4225 byte %8.0g r31a-1 per r contributes x4226 long %12.0g r32-1 amount in account x4227 byte %8.0g r33-1 borrow agnst acct? x4228 byte %8.0g r34-1 cur loan agnst acc x4229 long %12.0g r34a-1 amt loan balance x4230 byte %8.0g r34b-1 loan rcrded befor x4231 byte %8.0g r35-1 can draw from acct x4232 byte %8.0g r36-1 if leave-keep $$ x4233 int %8.0g r36a-1 % lose if leave x4234 byte %8.0g r37-1 how accnt invested x4302 byte %8.0g r19-2 pens or sav plan x4303 byte %8.0g r20-2 a(formla)/b(accnt) x4304 long %12.0g r21-2 amt in account x4305 byte %8.0g r22-2 contribute to plan x4306 int %8.0g r23-2 %contribute x4307 long %12.0g r23-2 amt contribute x4308 byte %8.0g r23-2 per contribute x4309 byte %8.0g r24-2 age receive benfts x4310 long %12.0g r25-2 amt exp benefits x4311 byte %8.0g r25-2 per exp benefits x4312 int %8.0g r25-2 % exp benefits x4313 byte %8.0g r26-2 if leave-what bnft x4314 int %8.0g r26a-2 amt rcv/mo if lft x4316 byte %8.0g r28-2 type of plan b x4317 byte %8.0g r29-2 years had plan x4318 byte %8.0g r30-2 emplyr cntrb 2 pln x4319 int %8.0g r30a-2 %employer ontrb x4320 long %12.0g r30a-2 amt emplyr cntrb x4321 byte %8.0g r30a-2 per emplyr cntrb x4322 byte %8.0g r31-2 r cntrb to plan x4323 int %8.0g r31a-2 % r cntrb to plan x4324 long %12.0g r31a-2 amt r contributes x4325 byte %8.0g r31a-2 per r contributes x4326 long %12.0g r32-2 amount in account x4327 byte %8.0g r33-2 borrow agnst acct? x4328 byte %8.0g r34-2 cur loan agnst acc x4329 long %12.0g r34a-2 amt loan balance x4330 byte %8.0g r34b-2 loan rcrded befor x4331 byte %8.0g r35-2 can draw from acct x4332 byte %8.0g r36-2 if leave-keep $$ x4333 int %8.0g r36a-2 % lose if leave x4334 byte %8.0g r37-2 how accnt invested x4402 byte %8.0g r19-3 pens or sav plan x4403 byte %8.0g r20-3 a(formla)/b(accnt) x4404 long %12.0g r21-3 amt in account x4405 byte %8.0g r22-3 contribute to plan x4406 int %8.0g r23-3 %contribute x4407 int %8.0g r23-3 amt contribute x4408 byte %8.0g r23-3 per contribute x4409 byte %8.0g r24-3 age receive benfts x4410 int %8.0g r25-3 amt exp benefits x4411 byte %8.0g r25-3 per exp benefits x4412 int %8.0g r25-3 % exp benefits x4413 byte %8.0g r26-3 if leave-what bnft x4414 int %8.0g r26a-3 amt rcv/mo if lft x4416 byte %8.0g r28-3 type of plan b x4417 byte %8.0g r29-3 years had plan x4418 byte %8.0g r30-3 emplyr cntrb 2 pln x4419 int %8.0g r30a-3 %employer ontrb x4420 long %12.0g r30a-3 amt emplyr cntrb x4421 byte %8.0g r30a-3 per emplyr cntrb x4422 byte %8.0g r31-3 r cntrb to plan x4423 int %8.0g r31a-3 % r cntrb to plan x4424 long %12.0g r31a-3 amt r contributes x4425 byte %8.0g r31a-3 per r contributes x4426 long %12.0g r32-3 amount in account x4427 byte %8.0g r33-3 borrow agnst acct? x4428 byte %8.0g r34-3 cur loan agnst acc x4429 long %12.0g r34a-3 amt loan balance x4430 byte %8.0g r34b-3 loan rcrded befor x4431 byte %8.0g r35-3 can draw from acct x4432 byte %8.0g r36-3 if leave-keep $$ x4433 int %8.0g r36a-3 % lose if leave x4434 byte %8.0g r37-3 how accnt invested x4436 long %12.0g r39-acct bal-othr plans x4437 byte %8.0g r39a-1 oth exp ben pmts x4501 byte %8.0g r40 other work for pay x4502 byte %8.0g r40a-a if second job x4503 byte %8.0g r40a-b if military x4504 byte %8.0g r40a-c if business x4505 byte %8.0g r40a-d if other x4507 byte %8.0g r41 hrs/wk extra jobs x4508 byte %8.0g r42 wks/yr extra jobs x4509 long %12.0g r43 amt earn extra jobs x4510 byte %8.0g r43 per earn extra jobs x4511 byte %8.0g r44 work full/part time x4512 byte %8.0g r45 yrs worked ft .ft x4513 byte %8.0g r45a 1+yr ft jobs .ft x4514 byte %8.0g r45b if ft job 3+ yrs.ft x4515 byte %8.0g r45c long ft oth/self.ft x4518 int %8.0g r45f yr beg lngst ft .ft x4519 int %8.0g r45g yr end lngst ft .ft x4520 long %12.0g r45h amt earn long ft.ft x4521 byte %8.0g r45h per earn long ft.ft x4522 byte %8.0g r45j work pt since 18.ft x4523 byte %8.0g r45k #yrs worked pt .ft x4524 byte %8.0g r45m #yrs stop ft wrk.ft x4525 byte %8.0g r45n exp wrk pt after.ft x4526 byte %8.0g r45p #yrs stop wrking.ft x4527 byte %8.0g r46 yrs worked pt .pt x4528 byte %8.0g r46a work ft since 18.pt x4529 byte %8.0g r46b yrs worked ft .pt x4531 int %8.0g r46d yr last workd ft.pt x4532 int %8.0g r46e amt earn last ft.pt x4533 byte %8.0g 446e per earn last ft.pt x4534 byte %8.0g r46f # 1+yr ft jobs .pt x4535 byte %8.0g r46g long ft oth/self.pt x4537 int %8.0g r46i.70ind:long ftjob.pt x4538 int %8.0g r46j yr beg longst ft.pt x4539 int %8.0g r46k yr end longst ft.pt x4540 long %12.0g r46m amt earn long ft.pt x4541 byte %8.0g r46m per earn long ft.pt x4542 int %8.0g r46n yr last ft job .pt x4543 byte %8.0g r46p expect work ft .pt x4544 byte %8.0g r46q yrs til ft work .pt x4545 byte %8.0g r46r yrs stop ft work.pt x4546 byte %8.0g r46s yrs stop working.pt x4601 byte %8.0g r47 work ft since 18 .nw x4602 byte %8.0g r47a #yrs worked ft .nw x4604 int %8.0g r47c yr last work ft .nw x4605 int %8.0g r47d amt earn lst ft .nw x4606 byte %8.0g r47d per earn lst ft .nw x4607 byte %8.0g r47e # 1+yr ft jobs .nw x4608 byte %8.0g r47f long ft oth/self.nw x4611 int %8.0g r47i yr beg long ft .nw x4612 int %8.0g r47j yr end long ft .nw x4613 long %12.0g r47k amt earn long ft.nw x4614 byte %8.0g r47k per earn long ft.nw x4615 byte %8.0g r47m work pt since 18.nw x4616 byte %8.0g r47n # yrs work pt .nw x4617 byte %8.0g r47p exp to work .nw x4618 byte %8.0g r47q yrs til work .nw x4619 byte %8.0g r47r expect work ft .nw x4620 byte %8.0g r47s yrs til ft work .nw x4621 byte %8.0g r47t yrs stop ft work.nw x4622 byte %8.0g r47u yrs stop work .nw x4700 int %8.0g s1-s1e emplmnt status-s x4701 byte %8.0g s1a expect return to job x4703 int %8.0g s1b year last worked x4704 int %8.0g s1d year retired/disab x4705 byte %8.0g s1c/e working now? x4706 byte %8.0g s2 work for other/self x4710 byte %8.0g s6 hours/week work .nse x4711 byte %8.0g s7 weeks/year work .nse x4712 long %12.0g s8 amt earn pre tax .nse x4713 byte %8.0g s8 per earn pre tax .nse x4714 byte %8.0g s9 #employees/org .nse x4715 byte %8.0g s10 yrs wrk cur empl.nse x4716 byte %8.0g s11 yr exp wk cr emp.nse x4717 byte %8.0g s12 union/emply assn.nse x4725 byte %8.0g s14f-a if paid salary.se x4726 byte %8.0g s14f-b if paid wages .se x4727 byte %8.0g s14f-c if pd net earn.se x4728 byte %8.0g s14f-dif paid other .se x4731 long %12.0g s14h amt bs ern pretx.se x4732 byte %8.0g s14h per bs ern pretx.se x4735 byte %8.0g s15 pens/sav plan oth.ns x4736 byte %8.0g s16 emplyr offr pens.nse x4737 byte %8.0g s16a eligbl for pens.nse x4738 byte %8.0g s16b bcm elg for pen.nse x4739 byte %8.0g s17 #pensions/sav plans x4740 byte %8.0g s17a get pmt now ret pln x4741 byte %8.0g s17b plan no get pmt now x4801 byte %8.0g s18 #plans no pmt yet x4802 byte %8.0g s19-1 pens or sav plan x4803 byte %8.0g s20-1 a(formla)/b(accnt) x4804 long %12.0g s21-1 amt in account x4805 byte %8.0g s22-1 contribute to plan x4806 int %8.0g s23-1 %contribute x4807 long %12.0g s23-1 amt contribute x4808 byte %8.0g s23-1 per contribute x4809 byte %8.0g s24-1 age receive benfts x4810 long %12.0g s25-1 amt exp benefits x4811 byte %8.0g s25-1 per exp benefits x4812 int %8.0g s25-1 % exp benefits x4813 byte %8.0g s26-1 if leave-what bnft x4814 int %8.0g s26a-1 amt rcv/mo if lft x4816 byte %8.0g s28-1 type of plan b x4817 byte %8.0g s29-1 years had plan x4818 byte %8.0g s30-1 emplyr cntrb 2 pln x4819 int %8.0g s30a-1 %employer ontrb x4820 long %12.0g s30a-1 amt emplyr cntrb x4821 byte %8.0g s30a-1 per emplyr cntrb x4822 byte %8.0g s31-1 s cntrb to plan x4823 int %8.0g s31a-1 % s cntrb to plan x4824 int %8.0g s31a-1 amt s contributes x4825 byte %8.0g s31a-1 per s contributes x4826 long %12.0g s32-1 amount in account x4827 byte %8.0g s33-1 borrow agnst acct? x4828 byte %8.0g s34-1 cur loan agnst acc x4829 int %8.0g s34a-1 amt loan balance x4830 byte %8.0g s34b-1 loan rcrded befor x4831 byte %8.0g s35-1 can draw from acct x4832 byte %8.0g s36-1 if leave-keep $$ x4833 int %8.0g s36a-1 % lose if leave x4834 byte %8.0g s37-1 how accnt invested x4902 byte %8.0g s19-2 pens or sav plan x4903 byte %8.0g s20-2 a(formla)/b(accnt) x4904 long %12.0g s21-2 amt in account x4905 byte %8.0g s22-2 contribute to plan x4906 int %8.0g s23-2 %contribute x4907 int %8.0g s23-2 amt contribute x4908 byte %8.0g s23-2 per contribute x4909 byte %8.0g s24-2 age receive benfts x4910 int %8.0g s25-2 amt exp benefits x4911 byte %8.0g s25-2 per exp benefits x4912 int %8.0g s25-2 % exp benefits x4913 byte %8.0g s26-2 if leave-what bnft x4914 int %8.0g s26a-2 amt rcv/mo if lft x4916 byte %8.0g s28-2 type of plan b x4917 byte %8.0g s29-2 years had plan x4918 byte %8.0g s30-2 emplyr cntrb 2 pln x4919 int %8.0g s30a-2 %employer ontrb x4920 long %12.0g s30a-2 amt emplyr cntrb x4921 byte %8.0g s30a-2 per emplyr cntrb x4922 byte %8.0g s31-2 s cntrb to plan x4923 int %8.0g s31a-2 % s cntrb to plan x4924 long %12.0g s31a-2 amt s contributes x4925 byte %8.0g s31a-2 per s contributes x4926 long %12.0g s32-2 amount in account x4927 byte %8.0g s33-2 borrow agnst acct? x4928 byte %8.0g s34-2 cur loan agnst acc x4929 int %8.0g s34a-2 amt loan balance x4930 byte %8.0g s34b-2 loan rcrded befor x4931 byte %8.0g s35-2 can draw from acct x4932 byte %8.0g s36-2 if leave-keep $$ x4933 int %8.0g s36a-2 % lose if leave x4934 byte %8.0g s37-2 how accnt invested x5002 byte %8.0g s19-3 pens or sav plan x5003 byte %8.0g s20-3 a(formla)/b(accnt) x5004 long %12.0g s21-3 amt in account x5005 byte %8.0g s22-3 contribute to plan x5006 int %8.0g s23-3 %contribute x5007 int %8.0g s23-3 amt contribute x5008 byte %8.0g s23-3 per contribute x5009 byte %8.0g s24-3 age receive benfts x5010 int %8.0g s25-3 amt exp benefits x5011 byte %8.0g s25-3 per exp benefits x5012 int %8.0g s25-3 % exp benefits x5013 byte %8.0g s26-3 if leave-what bnft x5014 byte %8.0g s26a-3 amt rcv/mo if lft x5016 byte %8.0g s28-3 type of plan b x5017 byte %8.0g s29-3 years had plan x5018 byte %8.0g s30-3 emplyr cntrb 2 pln x5019 int %8.0g s30a-3 %employer ontrb x5020 int %8.0g s30a-3 amt emplyr cntrb x5021 byte %8.0g s30a-3 per emplyr cntrb x5022 byte %8.0g s31-3 s cntrb to plan x5023 int %8.0g s31a-3 % s cntrb to plan x5024 long %12.0g s31a-3 amt s contributes x5025 byte %8.0g s31a-3 per s contributes x5026 long %12.0g s32-3 amount in account x5027 byte %8.0g s33-3 borrow agnst acct? x5028 byte %8.0g s34-3 cur loan agnst acc x5029 byte %8.0g s34a-3 amt loan balance x5030 byte %8.0g s34b-3 loan rcrded befor x5031 byte %8.0g s35-3 can draw from acct x5032 byte %8.0g s36-3 if leave-keep $$ x5033 int %8.0g s36a-3 % lose if leave x5034 byte %8.0g s37-3 how accnt invested x5036 int %8.0g s39 acct bal-othr plans x5037 byte %8.0g s39a-1 oth exp ben pmts x5101 byte %8.0g s40 other work for pay x5102 byte %8.0g s40a-a if second job x5103 byte %8.0g s40a-b if military x5104 byte %8.0g s40a-c if business x5105 byte %8.0g s40a-d if other x5107 byte %8.0g s41 hrs/wk extra jobs x5108 byte %8.0g s42 wks/yr extra jobs x5109 long %12.0g s43 amt earn extra jobs x5110 byte %8.0g s43 per earn extra jobs x5111 byte %8.0g s44 work full/part time x5112 byte %8.0g s45 yrs worked ft .ft x5113 byte %8.0g s45a 1+yr ft jobs .ft x5114 byte %8.0g s45b if ft job 3+ yrs.ft x5115 byte %8.0g s45c long ft oth/self.ft x5118 int %8.0g s45f yr beg lngst ft .ft x5119 int %8.0g s45g yr end lngst ft .ft x5120 long %12.0g s45h amt earn long ft.ft x5121 byte %8.0g s45h per earn long ft.ft x5122 byte %8.0g s45j work pt since 18.ft x5123 byte %8.0g s45k #yrs worked pt .ft x5124 byte %8.0g s45m #yrs stop ft wrk.ft x5125 byte %8.0g s45n exp wrk pt after.ft x5126 byte %8.0g s45p #yrs stop wrking.ft x5127 float %9.0g s46 yrs worked pt .pt x5128 byte %8.0g s46a work ft since 18.pt x5129 float %9.0g s46b yrs worked ft .pt x5131 int %8.0g s46d yr last workd ft.pt x5132 int %8.0g s46e amt earn last ft.pt x5133 byte %8.0g s46e per earn last ft.pt x5134 byte %8.0g s46f # 1+yr ft jobs .pt x5135 byte %8.0g s46g long ft oth/self.pt x5138 int %8.0g s46j yr beg longst ft.pt x5139 int %8.0g s46k yr end longst ft.pt x5140 long %12.0g s46m amt earn long ft.pt x5141 byte %8.0g s46m per earn long ft.pt x5142 int %8.0g s46n yr last ft job .pt x5143 byte %8.0g s46p expect work ft .pt x5144 byte %8.0g s46q yrs til ft work .pt x5145 byte %8.0g s46r yrs stop ft work.pt x5146 byte %8.0g s46s yrs stop working.pt x5201 byte %8.0g s47 work ft since 18 .nw x5202 byte %8.0g s47a #yrs worked ft .nw x5204 int %8.0g s47c yr last work ft .nw x5205 long %12.0g s47d amt earn lst ft .nw x5206 byte %8.0g s47d per earn lst ft .nw x5207 byte %8.0g s47e # 1+yr ft jobs .nw x5208 byte %8.0g s47f long ft oth/self.nw x5211 int %8.0g s47i yr beg long ft .nw x5212 int %8.0g s47j yr end long ft .nw x5213 long %12.0g s47k amt earn long ft.nw x5214 byte %8.0g s47k per earn long ft.nw x5215 byte %8.0g s47m work pt since 18.nw x5216 byte %8.0g s47n # yrs work pt .nw x5217 byte %8.0g s47p exp to work .nw x5218 byte %8.0g s47q yrs til work .nw x5219 byte %8.0g s47r expect work ft .nw x5220 byte %8.0g s47s yrs til ft work .nw x5221 byte %8.0g s47t yrs stop ft work.nw x5222 byte %8.0g s47u yrs stop work .nw x5301 byte %8.0g r50.r/s ss/ret/disab pmt x5302 byte %8.0g r50a.r/s ss benefit pmts x5303 byte %8.0g r50c-r.ss benefit paymnt x5304 byte %8.0g r50d-r.ss retir/dis pmts x5305 byte %8.0g r50e-r.yrs receiv ss pmt x5306 int %8.0g r50f-r.amt ben ss paymnt x5307 byte %8.0g r50f-r.per ben ss paymnt x5308 byte %8.0g r50c-s.ss benefit pymnt x5309 byte %8.0g r50d-s.ss retir/dis pmts x5310 byte %8.0g r50e-s.yrs receiv ss pmt x5311 int %8.0g r50f-s.amt ben ss paymnt x5312 byte %8.0g r50f-s.per ben ss paymnt x5313 byte %8.0g r51.r/s oth ret/pens/dis x5314 byte %8.0g r51a.# priv ret/pens/dis x5315 byte %8.0g r51b-1 who receives? r/s x5316 byte %8.0g r51c-1 type of benefit x5317 byte %8.0g r51d-1 how long received x5318 long %12.0g r51e-1 how much received x5319 byte %8.0g r51e-1 received per x5320 byte %8.0g r51f-1 benefit increasd? x5322 int %8.0g r51h-1 %h/w would receiv x5323 byte %8.0g r51b-2 who receives? r/s x5324 byte %8.0g r51c-2 type of benefit x5325 byte %8.0g r51d-2 how long received x5326 long %12.0g r51e-2 how much received x5327 byte %8.0g r51e-2 received per x5328 byte %8.0g r51f-2 benefit increasd? x5330 int %8.0g r51h-2 %h/w would receiv x5331 byte %8.0g r51b-3 who receives? r/s x5332 byte %8.0g r51c-3 type of benefit x5333 byte %8.0g r51d-3 how long received x5334 int %8.0g r51e-3 how much received x5335 byte %8.0g r51e-3 received per x5336 byte %8.0g r51f-3 benefit increasd? x5338 int %8.0g r51h-3 %h/w would receiv x5415 byte %8.0g r51b-4 who receives? r/s x5416 byte %8.0g r51c-4 type of benefit x5417 byte %8.0g r51d-4 how long received x5418 int %8.0g r51e-4 how much received x5419 byte %8.0g r51e-4 received per x5420 byte %8.0g r51f-4 benefit increasd? x5422 int %8.0g r51h-4 %h/w would receiv x5423 byte %8.0g r51b-5 who receives? r/s x5424 byte %8.0g r51c-5 type of benefit x5425 byte %8.0g r51d-5 how long received x5426 int %8.0g r51e-5 how much received x5427 byte %8.0g r51e-5 received per x5428 byte %8.0g r51f-5 benefit increasd? x5430 int %8.0g r51h-5 %h/w would receiv x5431 byte %8.0g r51b-6 who receives? r/s x5432 byte %8.0g r51c-6 type of benefit x5433 byte %8.0g r51d-6 how long received x5434 byte %8.0g r51e-6 how much received x5435 byte %8.0g r51e-6 received per x5436 byte %8.0g r51f-6 benefit increasd? x5438 byte %8.0g r51h-6 %h/w would receiv x5501 byte %8.0g r52.if cash sett-pen/ret x5502 byte %8.0g r52a.# cash sett-pen/ret x5503 byte %8.0g r52b-1.r/s rec cash sett x5504 long %12.0g r52c-1.amt cash settlmnt x5505 int %8.0g r52d-1.yr rec cash sett. x5506 byte %8.0g r52b-2.r/s rec cash sett x5507 long %12.0g r52c-2.amt cash settlmnt x5508 int %8.0g r52d-2.yr rec cash sett. x5509 byte %8.0g r52b-3.r/s rec cash sett x5510 long %12.0g r52c-3.amt cash settlmnt x5511 int %8.0g r52d-3.yr rec cash sett. x5512 byte %8.0g r52b-4.r/s rec cash sett x5513 int %8.0g r52c-4.amt cash settlmnt x5514 int %8.0g r52d-4.yr rec cash sett. x5515 byte %8.0g r52b-5.r/s rec cash sett x5516 int %8.0g r52c-5.amt cash settlmnt x5517 int %8.0g r52d-5.yr rec cash sett. x5601 byte %8.0g r53.exp rec oth pens ben x5602 byte %8.0g r53a.# oth exp pens ben. x5603 byte %8.0g r53b-a.type oth pens ben x5604 long %12.0g r53c-a.amt in account x5606 byte %8.0g r53e-a.based on r/s earn x5607 byte %8.0g r53f-a.age expect benef x5608 long %12.0g r53g-a.expct ben pmt amt x5609 byte %8.0g r53g-a.expct ben pmt per x5611 byte %8.0g r53b-b.type oth pens ben x5612 long %12.0g r53c-b.amt in account x5614 byte %8.0g r53e-b.based on r/s earn x5615 byte %8.0g r53f-b.age expect benef x5616 int %8.0g r53g-b.expct ben pmt amt x5617 byte %8.0g r53g-b.expct ben pmt per x5619 byte %8.0g r53b-c.type oth pens ben x5620 long %12.0g r53c-c.amt in account x5622 byte %8.0g r53e-c.based on r/s earn x5623 byte %8.0g r53f-c.age expect benef x5624 int %8.0g r53g-c.expct ben pmt amt x5625 byte %8.0g r53g-c.expct ben pmt per x5627 byte %8.0g r53b-d.type oth pens ben x5628 byte %8.0g r53c-d.amt in account x5630 byte %8.0g r53e-d.based on r/s earn x5631 byte %8.0g r53f-d.age expect benef x5632 byte %8.0g r53g-d.expct ben pmt amt x5633 byte %8.0g r53g-d.expct ben pmt per x5635 byte %8.0g r53b-e.type oth pens ben x5636 byte %8.0g r53c-e.amt in account x5638 byte %8.0g r53e-e.based on r/s earn x5639 byte %8.0g r53f-e.age expect benef x5640 byte %8.0g r53g-e.expct ben pmt amt x5641 byte %8.0g r53g-e.expct ben pmt per x5643 byte %8.0g r53b-f.type oth pens ben x5644 byte %8.0g r53c-f.amt in account x5646 byte %8.0g r53e-f.based on r/s earn x5647 byte %8.0g r53f-f.age expect benef x5648 byte %8.0g r53g-f.expct ben pmt amt x5649 byte %8.0g r53g-f.expct ben pmt per x5701 byte %8.0g t1a.if wage/salary inc x5702 long %12.0g t2a.amt wage/salary inc x5703 byte %8.0g t1b.if bus/farm income x5704 double %12.0g t2b.amt bus/farm income. x5705 byte %8.0g t1c.if investment income x5706 long %12.0g t2c.amt investment inc x5707 byte %8.0g t1d.if interest income x5708 long %12.0g t2d.amt interest income x5709 byte %8.0g t1e.if dividend income x5710 long %12.0g t2e.amt dividend income x5711 byte %8.0g t1f.if stock/r e income x5712 long %12.0g t2f.amt stock/r e income x5713 byte %8.0g t1g.if rent/trust income x5714 long %12.0g t2g.amt rent/trust inc x5715 byte %8.0g t1h.if unemployment inc x5716 int %8.0g t2h.amt unemployment inc x5717 byte %8.0g t1j.if child support inc x5718 long %12.0g t2j.amt chld support inc x5719 byte %8.0g t1k.if a(f)dc/welf inc x5720 int %8.0g t2k.amt a(f)dc/wel inc x5721 byte %8.0g t1m.if ss/pens/dis inc x5722 long %12.0g t2m.amt ss/pen/dis inc x5723 byte %8.0g t1n.if other income x5724 long %12.0g t2n-1.amt other income x5725 byte %8.0g t1n-1.type other income x5726 int %8.0g t2n-2.amt other income x5727 byte %8.0g t1n-2.type other income x5728 byte %8.0g t3.# refused $ t2a-t2n-2 x5729 long %12.0g t3.total income (asked) x5731 byte %8.0g t5.pay alimony/child sup x5732 long %12.0g t5a.amt alimony/chld sup x5733 byte %8.0g t6.pay other support x5734 long %12.0g t6a.amt other support x5735 byte %8.0g t6b-a.support <18 child x5736 byte %8.0g t6b-b.support 18+ child x5737 byte %8.0g tt6b-c.support parents x5738 byte %8.0g t6b-d.support grandchild x5739 byte %8.0g t6b-e.support grandparnt x5740 byte %8.0g t6b-f.support siblings x5741 byte %8.0g 6b-g.support niece/neph x5742 byte %8.0g t6b-h.support friends x5743 byte %8.0g t6b-j.support others x5744 byte %8.0g t7.if filed 1988 tax ret x5746 byte %8.0g t7b.filed joint/sep/r/s. x5747 byte %8.0g t7c-a.file sch c (bus) x5748 byte %8.0g t7c-b.file sch e (trust) x5749 byte %8.0g t7c-c.file sch f (farm) x5750 byte %8.0g t7c-d.file no sch c/e/f x5751 long %12.0g t7d.r&s adjust gross inc x5801 byte %8.0g x1.ever rec inher/trust x5802 byte %8.0g x2.# inherit/trust rec x5803 byte %8.0g x3-1.inheritance/trust x5804 long %12.0g x4-1.value inher/trust x5805 int %8.0g x5-1.yr rec inher/trust x5806 byte %8.0g x6-1.inher/trst rec from x5808 byte %8.0g x3-2.inheritance/trust x5809 long %12.0g x4-2.value inher/trust x5810 int %8.0g x5-2.yr rec inher/trust x5811 byte %8.0g x6-2.inher/trst rec from x5813 byte %8.0g x3-3.inheritance/trust x5814 long %12.0g x4-3.value inher/trust x5815 int %8.0g x5-3.yr rec inher/trust x5816 byte %8.0g x6-3.inher/trst rec from x5818 long %12.0g x8.amt remain inh/trust x5819 byte %8.0g x9.expect inher/trust x5820 byte %8.0g x9a.size exp inher/trust x5821 long %12.0g x9b.amt exp inher/trust. x5822 byte %8.0g x10.donate $500+ charity x5823 long %12.0g x10a.amt donated charity x5824 byte %8.0g x11.import leave estate. x5825 byte %8.0g x12.expect leave estate. x5901 byte %8.0g y1.years of education .r x5902 byte %8.0g y1a.if hs diploma .r x5903 byte %8.0g y1b.if vocation train .r x5906 byte %8.0g y2.ever in military .r x5908 int %8.0g y3.year of birth .r x5909 byte %8.0g y4.race .r x5910 byte %8.0g y5.# r/s child not in hh x5911 byte %8.0g y5a.#r/s non-hh chld 25+ x5912 byte %8.0g y5b.#r/s non-hh chld <18 x5913 byte %8.0g y6.# living siblings .r x5914 byte %8.0g y6a.# live older sibs .r x5915 byte %8.0g y7.marital status .r x5925 byte %8.0g y8b.rec/no/pay support:s x5926 long %12.0g y8c.amt support receiv:s x5927 byte %8.0g y8c.per support receiv:s x5928 int %8.0g y8d.amt support pay:s x5929 byte %8.0g y8d.per support pay:s x5930 byte %8.0g y8e.assets owned-r/s:s x6026 byte %8.0g y14.if r mother alive x6027 byte %8.0g y14a.age r mother x6028 byte %8.0g y14b.if r father alive x6029 byte %8.0g y14c.age r father x6030 byte %8.0g y15.r health status x6101 byte %8.0g y17.years of education.s x6102 byte %8.0g y17a.if hs diploma.s x6103 byte %8.0g y17b.if vocation train.s x6106 byte %8.0g y18.ever in military.s x6108 int %8.0g y19.year of birth.s x6109 byte %8.0g y20.# living siblings.s. x6110 byte %8.0g y20a.# live older sibs.s x6120 byte %8.0g y23.if s mother alive x6121 byte %8.0g y23a.age s mother x6122 byte %8.0g y23b.if s father alive x6123 byte %8.0g y23c.age s father x6124 byte %8.0g y24.s health status x6202 byte %8.0g y25a.r+ if health prob x6203 byte %8.0g y25c-1.r+ who hlth prob. x6204 byte %8.0g y25d-1.r+ age hlth prob. x6207 byte %8.0g y25c-2.r+ who hlth prob. x6208 byte %8.0g y25d-2.r+ age hlth prob. x6211 byte %8.0g y25c-3.r+ who hlth prob. x6212 byte %8.0g y25d-3.r+ age hlth prob. x6215 byte %8.0g y25c-4.r+ who hlth prob. x6216 byte %8.0g y25d-4.r+ age hlth prob. x6219 byte %8.0g y25c-5.r+ who hlth prob. x6220 byte %8.0g y25d-5.r+ age hlth prob. x6301 byte %8.0g y29.r+ elig govt hth ins x6302 byte %8.0g y29a-a.r+ elig medicare. x6303 byte %8.0g y29a-b.r+ elig medicaid. x6304 byte %8.0g y29a-c.r+ elig va/chmpus x6305 byte %8.0g y29a-d.r+ elig other x6306 byte %8.0g y29b.r+ all cov pub ins. x6308 byte %8.0g y29d-a.r not cov pub x6309 byte %8.0g y29d-b.s not cov pub x6310 byte %8.0g y29d-c.ch<18 not cov pub x6311 byte %8.0g y29d-d.ch18+ not cov pub x6312 byte %8.0g y29d-e.dad not cov pub x6313 byte %8.0g y29d-f.mom not cov pub x6314 byte %8.0g y29d-g.other not cov pub x6315 byte %8.0g y30.r+ priv health insur x6316 byte %8.0g y31-a.r+ hlth ins-r empl x6317 byte %8.0g y31-b.r+ hth ins-r ex-em x6318 byte %8.0g y31-c.r+ hth ins-r union x6319 byte %8.0g y31-d.r+ hlth ins-s empl x6320 byte %8.0g y31-e.r+ hth ins-s ex-em x6321 byte %8.0g y31-f.r+ hth ins-s union x6322 byte %8.0g y31-g.r+ health ins-pay. x6323 byte %8.0g y31-h.r+ health ins-oth. x6324 byte %8.0g y31a-a.r+ fam pay insur. x6325 byte %8.0g y31a-b.r+ employ pay ins x6326 byte %8.0g y31a-c.r+ relat pay ins. x6327 byte %8.0g y31a-d.r+ ex-emp pay ins x6328 byte %8.0g y31a-e.r+ oth pay insur. x6329 byte %8.0g y31b.r+ all cov priv ins x6330 byte %8.0g y31c-a.r not cov priv x6331 byte %8.0g y31c-b.s not cov priv x6332 byte %8.0g y31c-c.ch<18 not cov pri x6333 byte %8.0g y31c-d.ch18+ not cov pri x6334 byte %8.0g y31c-e.dad not cov priv. x6335 byte %8.0g y31c-f.mom not cov priv. x6336 byte %8.0g y31c-g.oth not cov priv. x6337 byte %8.0g y32.why no health insur. x6401 byte %8.0g y33.ckpt.indep adults/no x6402 byte %8.0g y34.indep ad-if wage/sal x6403 long %12.0g y34a.ind ad-amt wage/sal x6405 byte %8.0g y35.indep ad-if oth inc. x6406 byte %8.0g y35a-a.ind ad-if soc sec x6407 byte %8.0g y35a-b.ind ad-if pension x6408 byte %8.0g y35a-c.ind ad-if disabil x6409 byte %8.0g y35a-d.ind ad-if pub ass x6410 byte %8.0g y35a-e.ind ad-if interst x6411 byte %8.0g y35a-f.ind ad-if dividnd x6412 byte %8.0g y35a-g.ind ad-if busines x6413 byte %8.0g y35a-h.ind ad-if realest x6414 byte %8.0g y35a-j.ind ad-if oth inc x6415 long %12.0g y35b.indep adult-tot inc x6417 byte %8.0g y36.ind ad-own vehicles. x6418 long %12.0g y36a.ind ad-vehicle val. x6420 byte %8.0g y37.ind ad-if savings x6421 long %12.0g y37a.ind ad-amt savings. x6423 byte %8.0g y38.ind ad-if oth assets x6424 byte %8.0g y38a-a.ind ad-if r home. x6425 byte %8.0g y38a-b.ind ad-if stocks. x6426 byte %8.0g y38a-c.ind ad-if bonds x6427 byte %8.0g y38a-d.ind ad-if mutual. x6428 byte %8.0g y38a-e.ind ad-if mon mkt x6429 byte %8.0g y38a-f.ind ad-if busines x6430 byte %8.0g y38a-g.ind ad-if realest x6431 byte %8.0g y38a-h.ind ad-if oth ass x6432 long %12.0g y38b.ind ad-amt assets x6435 int %8.0g y39a.ind ad-% home own x6436 long %12.0g y39b.ind ad-home mkt val x6437 long %12.0g y39c.ind ad-amt owe home x6438 byte %8.0g y40.ind ad-if debts x6439 long %12.0g y40a.ind ad-amt debts x6503 byte %8.0g zz1.r informant/other j14 byte %8.0g j19 byte %8.0g j100 byte %8.0g j101 byte %8.0g j102 byte %8.0g j103 byte %8.0g j104 byte %8.0g j105 byte %8.0g j106 byte %8.0g j107 byte %8.0g j108 byte %8.0g j109 byte %8.0g j110 byte %8.0g j111 byte %8.0g j112 byte %8.0g j113 byte %8.0g j114 byte %8.0g j115 byte %8.0g j116 byte %8.0g j117 byte %8.0g j118 byte %8.0g j119 byte %8.0g j120 byte %8.0g j121 byte %8.0g j122 byte %8.0g j123 byte %8.0g j124 byte %8.0g j125 byte %8.0g j126 byte %8.0g j127 byte %8.0g j128 byte %8.0g j129 byte %8.0g j130 byte %8.0g j131 byte %8.0g j132 byte %8.0g j133 byte %8.0g j134 byte %8.0g j135 byte %8.0g j136 byte %8.0g j137 byte %8.0g j202 byte %8.0g j203 byte %8.0g j204 byte %8.0g j205 byte %8.0g j206 byte %8.0g j207 byte %8.0g j208 byte %8.0g j209 byte %8.0g j210 byte %8.0g j211 byte %8.0g j212 byte %8.0g j213 byte %8.0g j214 byte %8.0g j215 byte %8.0g j216 byte %8.0g j217 byte %8.0g j218 byte %8.0g j219 byte %8.0g j220 byte %8.0g j221 byte %8.0g j222 byte %8.0g j223 byte %8.0g j224 byte %8.0g j225 byte %8.0g j226 byte %8.0g j227 byte %8.0g j228 byte %8.0g j229 byte %8.0g j230 byte %8.0g j231 byte %8.0g j301 byte %8.0g j302 byte %8.0g j303 byte %8.0g j304 byte %8.0g j305 byte %8.0g j306 byte %8.0g j308 byte %8.0g j309 byte %8.0g j310 byte %8.0g j312 byte %8.0g j313 byte %8.0g j314 byte %8.0g j316 byte %8.0g j317 byte %8.0g j318 byte %8.0g j320 byte %8.0g j321 byte %8.0g j322 byte %8.0g j324 byte %8.0g j325 byte %8.0g j326 byte %8.0g j328 byte %8.0g j329 byte %8.0g j330 byte %8.0g j401 byte %8.0g j402 byte %8.0g j403 byte %8.0g j404 byte %8.0g j405 byte %8.0g j406 byte %8.0g j407 byte %8.0g j408 byte %8.0g j409 byte %8.0g j410 byte %8.0g j411 byte %8.0g j412 byte %8.0g j413 byte %8.0g j414 byte %8.0g j415 byte %8.0g j416 byte %8.0g j417 byte %8.0g j418 byte %8.0g j419 byte %8.0g j420 byte %8.0g j421 byte %8.0g j422 byte %8.0g j423 byte %8.0g j424 byte %8.0g j425 byte %8.0g j426 byte %8.0g j427 byte %8.0g j428 byte %8.0g j429 byte %8.0g j430 byte %8.0g j431 byte %8.0g j432 byte %8.0g j501 byte %8.0g j502 byte %8.0g j503 byte %8.0g j504 byte %8.0g j505 byte %8.0g j506 byte %8.0g j507 byte %8.0g j508 byte %8.0g j509 byte %8.0g j510 byte %8.0g j511 byte %8.0g j512 byte %8.0g j513 byte %8.0g j514 byte %8.0g j516 byte %8.0g j517 byte %8.0g j518 byte %8.0g j519 byte %8.0g j520 byte %8.0g j521 byte %8.0g j522 byte %8.0g j523 byte %8.0g j524 byte %8.0g j525 byte %8.0g j526 byte %8.0g j601 byte %8.0g j602 byte %8.0g j603 byte %8.0g j604 byte %8.0g j606 byte %8.0g j607 byte %8.0g j608 byte %8.0g j609 byte %8.0g j611 byte %8.0g j612 byte %8.0g j613 byte %8.0g j614 byte %8.0g j616 byte %8.0g j617 byte %8.0g j618 byte %8.0g j619 byte %8.0g j620 byte %8.0g j622 byte %8.0g j623 byte %8.0g j624 byte %8.0g j626 byte %8.0g j627 byte %8.0g j628 byte %8.0g j630 byte %8.0g j631 byte %8.0g j632 byte %8.0g j634 byte %8.0g j635 byte %8.0g j636 byte %8.0g j701 byte %8.0g j702 byte %8.0g j703 byte %8.0g j704 byte %8.0g j705 byte %8.0g j707 byte %8.0g j708 byte %8.0g j709 byte %8.0g j710 byte %8.0g j711 byte %8.0g j713 byte %8.0g j714 byte %8.0g j715 byte %8.0g j716 byte %8.0g j717 byte %8.0g j718 byte %8.0g j720 byte %8.0g j721 byte %8.0g j722 byte %8.0g j723 byte %8.0g j724 byte %8.0g j725 byte %8.0g j726 byte %8.0g j727 byte %8.0g j728 byte %8.0g j802 byte %8.0g j803 byte %8.0g j804 byte %8.0g j805 byte %8.0g j806 byte %8.0g j807 byte %8.0g j808 byte %8.0g j809 byte %8.0g j810 byte %8.0g j811 byte %8.0g j812 byte %8.0g j813 byte %8.0g j814 byte %8.0g j815 byte %8.0g j816 byte %8.0g j817 byte %8.0g j819 byte %8.0g j820 byte %8.0g j821 byte %8.0g j822 byte %8.0g j823 byte %8.0g j824 byte %8.0g j825 byte %8.0g j826 byte %8.0g j827 byte %8.0g j828 byte %8.0g j829 byte %8.0g j830 byte %8.0g j902 byte %8.0g j903 byte %8.0g j904 byte %8.0g j905 byte %8.0g j906 byte %8.0g j907 byte %8.0g j908 byte %8.0g j909 byte %8.0g j911 byte %8.0g j912 byte %8.0g j913 byte %8.0g j914 byte %8.0g j915 byte %8.0g j916 byte %8.0g j917 byte %8.0g j918 byte %8.0g j920 byte %8.0g j931 byte %8.0g j1002 byte %8.0g j1004 byte %8.0g j1005 byte %8.0g j1006 byte %8.0g j1007 byte %8.0g j1008 byte %8.0g j1009 byte %8.0g j1011 byte %8.0g j1012 byte %8.0g j1013 byte %8.0g j1014 byte %8.0g j1015 byte %8.0g j1016 byte %8.0g j1017 byte %8.0g j1018 byte %8.0g j1020 byte %8.0g j1032 byte %8.0g j1034 byte %8.0g j1035 byte %8.0g j1036 byte %8.0g j1037 byte %8.0g j1039 byte %8.0g j1040 byte %8.0g j1041 byte %8.0g j1043 byte %8.0g j1044 byte %8.0g j1045 byte %8.0g j1046 byte %8.0g j1101 byte %8.0g j1102 byte %8.0g j1103 byte %8.0g j1104 byte %8.0g j1105 byte %8.0g j1106 byte %8.0g j1107 byte %8.0g j1108 byte %8.0g j1109 byte %8.0g j1110 byte %8.0g j1111 byte %8.0g j1112 byte %8.0g j1114 byte %8.0g j1115 byte %8.0g j1116 byte %8.0g j1117 byte %8.0g j1118 byte %8.0g j1119 byte %8.0g j1120 byte %8.0g j1121 byte %8.0g j1122 byte %8.0g j1123 byte %8.0g j1125 byte %8.0g j1126 byte %8.0g j1127 byte %8.0g j1128 byte %8.0g j1129 byte %8.0g j1130 byte %8.0g j1131 byte %8.0g j1132 byte %8.0g j1133 byte %8.0g j1134 byte %8.0g j1136 byte %8.0g j1201 byte %8.0g j1202 byte %8.0g j1203 byte %8.0g j1205 byte %8.0g j1206 byte %8.0g j1207 byte %8.0g j1208 byte %8.0g j1210 byte %8.0g j1211 byte %8.0g j1212 byte %8.0g j1214 byte %8.0g j1215 byte %8.0g j1216 byte %8.0g j1217 byte %8.0g j1218 byte %8.0g j1219 byte %8.0g j1220 byte %8.0g j1221 byte %8.0g j1223 byte %8.0g j1224 byte %8.0g j1225 byte %8.0g j1302 byte %8.0g j1303 byte %8.0g j1308 byte %8.0g j1401 byte %8.0g j1402 byte %8.0g j1403 byte %8.0g j1404 byte %8.0g j1405 byte %8.0g j1407 byte %8.0g j1408 byte %8.0g j1409 byte %8.0g j1410 byte %8.0g j1411 byte %8.0g j1412 byte %8.0g j1413 byte %8.0g j1414 byte %8.0g j1415 byte %8.0g j1416 byte %8.0g j1417 byte %8.0g j1504 byte %8.0g j1505 byte %8.0g j1507 byte %8.0g j1508 byte %8.0g j1509 byte %8.0g j1510 byte %8.0g j1511 byte %8.0g j1512 byte %8.0g j1513 byte %8.0g j1514 byte %8.0g j1515 byte %8.0g j1516 byte %8.0g j1517 byte %8.0g j1604 byte %8.0g j1605 byte %8.0g j1607 byte %8.0g j1608 byte %8.0g j1609 byte %8.0g j1610 byte %8.0g j1611 byte %8.0g j1612 byte %8.0g j1613 byte %8.0g j1614 byte %8.0g j1615 byte %8.0g j1616 byte %8.0g j1617 byte %8.0g j1619 byte %8.0g j1620 byte %8.0g j1621 byte %8.0g j1700 byte %8.0g j1701 byte %8.0g j1703 byte %8.0g j1704 byte %8.0g j1705 byte %8.0g j1706 byte %8.0g j1708 byte %8.0g j1709 byte %8.0g j1710 byte %8.0g j1711 byte %8.0g j1713 byte %8.0g j1714 byte %8.0g j1715 byte %8.0g j1716 byte %8.0g j1717 byte %8.0g j1718 byte %8.0g j1719 byte %8.0g j1720 byte %8.0g j1721 byte %8.0g j1722 byte %8.0g j1723 byte %8.0g j1724 byte %8.0g j1725 byte %8.0g j1726 byte %8.0g j1727 byte %8.0g j1728 byte %8.0g j1729 byte %8.0g j1730 byte %8.0g j1803 byte %8.0g j1804 byte %8.0g j1805 byte %8.0g j1806 byte %8.0g j1808 byte %8.0g j1809 byte %8.0g j1810 byte %8.0g j1811 byte %8.0g j1813 byte %8.0g j1814 byte %8.0g j1815 byte %8.0g j1816 byte %8.0g j1817 byte %8.0g j1818 byte %8.0g j1819 byte %8.0g j1820 byte %8.0g j1821 byte %8.0g j1822 byte %8.0g j1823 byte %8.0g j1824 byte %8.0g j1825 byte %8.0g j1826 byte %8.0g j1827 byte %8.0g j1828 byte %8.0g j1829 byte %8.0g j1830 byte %8.0g j1903 byte %8.0g j1904 byte %8.0g j1905 byte %8.0g j1906 byte %8.0g j1908 byte %8.0g j1909 byte %8.0g j1910 byte %8.0g j1911 byte %8.0g j1913 byte %8.0g j1914 byte %8.0g j1915 byte %8.0g j1916 byte %8.0g j1917 byte %8.0g j1918 byte %8.0g j1919 byte %8.0g j1920 byte %8.0g j1921 byte %8.0g j1922 byte %8.0g j1923 byte %8.0g j1924 byte %8.0g j1925 byte %8.0g j1926 byte %8.0g j1927 byte %8.0g j1928 byte %8.0g j1929 byte %8.0g j1930 byte %8.0g j2001 byte %8.0g j2002 byte %8.0g j2003 byte %8.0g j2004 byte %8.0g j2005 byte %8.0g j2006 byte %8.0g j2007 byte %8.0g j2008 byte %8.0g j2009 byte %8.0g j2010 byte %8.0g j2011 byte %8.0g j2012 byte %8.0g j2013 byte %8.0g j2014 byte %8.0g j2015 byte %8.0g j2016 byte %8.0g j2017 byte %8.0g j2018 byte %8.0g j2019 byte %8.0g j2020 byte %8.0g j2101 byte %8.0g j2102 byte %8.0g j2104 byte %8.0g j2105 byte %8.0g j2106 byte %8.0g j2107 byte %8.0g j2108 byte %8.0g j2111 byte %8.0g j2112 byte %8.0g j2113 byte %8.0g j2114 byte %8.0g j2115 byte %8.0g j2117 byte %8.0g j2118 byte %8.0g j2201 byte %8.0g j2202 byte %8.0g j2203 byte %8.0g j2205 byte %8.0g j2206 byte %8.0g j2208 byte %8.0g j2209 byte %8.0g j2210 byte %8.0g j2211 byte %8.0g j2213 byte %8.0g j2214 byte %8.0g j2215 byte %8.0g j2217 byte %8.0g j2218 byte %8.0g j2219 byte %8.0g j2220 byte %8.0g j2303 byte %8.0g j2305 byte %8.0g j2306 byte %8.0g j2308 byte %8.0g j2309 byte %8.0g j2310 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byte %8.0g j5501 byte %8.0g j5502 byte %8.0g j5503 byte %8.0g j5504 byte %8.0g j5505 byte %8.0g j5506 byte %8.0g j5507 byte %8.0g j5508 byte %8.0g j5509 byte %8.0g j5510 byte %8.0g j5511 byte %8.0g j5512 byte %8.0g j5513 byte %8.0g j5514 byte %8.0g j5515 byte %8.0g j5516 byte %8.0g j5517 byte %8.0g j5601 byte %8.0g j5602 byte %8.0g j5603 byte %8.0g j5604 byte %8.0g j5606 byte %8.0g j5607 byte %8.0g j5608 byte %8.0g j5609 byte %8.0g j5611 byte %8.0g j5612 byte %8.0g j5614 byte %8.0g j5615 byte %8.0g j5616 byte %8.0g j5617 byte %8.0g j5619 byte %8.0g j5620 byte %8.0g j5622 byte %8.0g j5623 byte %8.0g j5624 byte %8.0g j5625 byte %8.0g j5627 byte %8.0g j5628 byte %8.0g j5630 byte %8.0g j5631 byte %8.0g j5632 byte %8.0g j5633 byte %8.0g j5635 byte %8.0g j5636 byte %8.0g j5638 byte %8.0g j5639 byte %8.0g j5640 byte %8.0g j5641 byte %8.0g j5643 byte %8.0g j5644 byte %8.0g j5646 byte %8.0g j5647 byte %8.0g j5648 byte %8.0g j5649 byte %8.0g j5701 byte %8.0g j5702 byte %8.0g j5703 byte %8.0g j5704 byte %8.0g j5705 byte %8.0g j5706 byte %8.0g j5707 byte %8.0g j5708 byte %8.0g j5709 byte %8.0g j5710 byte %8.0g j5711 byte %8.0g j5712 byte %8.0g j5713 byte %8.0g j5714 byte %8.0g j5715 byte %8.0g j5716 byte %8.0g j5717 byte %8.0g j5718 byte %8.0g j5719 byte %8.0g j5720 byte %8.0g j5721 byte %8.0g j5722 byte %8.0g j5723 byte %8.0g j5724 byte %8.0g j5725 byte %8.0g j5726 byte %8.0g j5727 byte %8.0g j5728 byte %8.0g j5729 byte %8.0g j5731 byte %8.0g j5732 byte %8.0g j5733 byte %8.0g j5734 byte %8.0g j5735 byte %8.0g j5736 byte %8.0g j5737 byte %8.0g j5738 byte %8.0g j5739 byte %8.0g j5740 byte %8.0g j5741 byte %8.0g j5742 byte %8.0g j5743 byte %8.0g j5744 byte %8.0g j5746 byte %8.0g j5747 byte %8.0g j5748 byte %8.0g j5749 byte %8.0g j5750 byte %8.0g j5751 byte %8.0g j5801 byte %8.0g j5802 byte %8.0g j5803 byte %8.0g j5804 byte %8.0g j5805 byte %8.0g j5806 byte %8.0g j5808 byte %8.0g j5809 byte %8.0g j5810 byte %8.0g j5811 byte %8.0g j5813 byte %8.0g j5814 byte %8.0g j5815 byte 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