Taxsim35 Options

Options are specified as additional variables. opt1 is the option number and opt1v is the value for that option. All options and values are integers. There are also opt2 and opt2v On the web form place the values for opt1 and opt1v in the first 2 boxes and opt2, opt2v in the last 2 boxes. Options are generally added after correspondence with users. Email me for options that were valid in Taxsim32 and not mentioned below.

Some options return values in v46 and v47.

8 A positive value becomes the SALT deduction limit. Use -1 to eliminate the deduction entirely. Default is to the statutory limit ($10,000 in 2020)
22 A positive value sets the CARES rebate to zero
23 Secondary earner deduction, maximum deduction. (See 24 for rate).
24 Secondary earner deduction, fraction of swages deducted from taxable income. AGI is unaffected. (See 23). Amount of deduction is returned in v47.
25 Maximum number of dependents to use in EIC calculation.
30 Set this to 1 for comparison to TaxAct. (No iteration of cross deductions, reduce smoothing).
52 Finite difference for MTR calculation.
56 Turn off smoothing of EIC disqualifying income if set to one.
88 General turn off of smoothing (not complete) if set to one.
91 Don't iterate, that is, no cross deduction of tax liability
92 If set to 1 don't subtract 2022 state rebates from state tax

Low-level example

mstat,year,state,pwages,mortgage,opt1,opt1v 2,2020,5,2000000,40000,8,-1 Eliminates the SALT deduction limit for this itemizer with big mortgage interest and state income tax.

Stata example

input /// taxsimid mstat year pwages swages opt1 opt1v opt2 opt2v 1 2 2019 200000 20000 23 2000 24 .1 end taxsim35, full list v47 Adds a secondary earner deduction of 10% to a maximum of $2000.

Daniel Feenberg

Last edit 2 October 2022 by drf